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Queenstown Town Centre Arterial Road
The Queenstown Arterial Road (stage 1) is now open!
Work will continue on the side roads and on the final stormwater upgrades on Lower Ballarat Street / Stanley Street intersection.
More information on the new road layout and what's left to do can be found below.
Quick links
About the project
The Arterial Road is a key enabling project for the Queenstown Town Centre. Stage 1 will link Melbourne and Henry Streets, providing locals and visitors to Queenstown with an alternative route to the town centre, and easier access towards Arthurs Point. It also unlocks a range of other benefits, including improved access for public transport, opportunities for more people-friendly streets and space for the town centre to grow and flourish.
The need to look at an alternative roading solution to address traffic and congestion in the town centre has been identified in a number of strategies and studies since the early 2000s including the 2005 FutureLinks Transport and Parking Strategy, 2008 and 2014 Inner Links Study and 2017 Queenstown Town Centre Masterplan Town Centre Arterials indicative business case. All of these strategies and studies have been subject to community engagement, highlighting that this is a project that already has a reasonably high profile across the district.
The full route is made up of three stages:
Stage 1: Melbourne / Henry Street (construction underway)
Stage 2: Gorge Road to Hay Street
Stage 3: Hay Street to One Mile Roundabout
The project was granted consent under the new COVID-19 (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020. Full details of this process, including the decision and associated reports, can be found on the Environmental Protection Authority website: www.epa.govt.nz/fast-track-consenting/listed-projects/queenstown-arterials-project/
The Arterial Road stage 1 project is co-funded by a $50m contribution from the Government’s Infrastructure Reference Group (IRG) fund.
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Stage 2 and 3 of the Arterial Road is not currently funded for construction.
The recently adopted Long Term Plan 2024-2034 allocates funding to progress early design and land acquisition for stages 2 and 3 from year six (2029-2030).
If you have any questions about stages 2 and 3, please contact our Transport Strategy Manager, Tony Pickard via email: tony.pickard@qldc.govt.nz
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A project to build an Arterial Road around the Queenstown Town Centre has been under discussion since the early 2000s when Council released the FutureLinks Strategy for community engagement.
Since then it has been part of various transport strategies and most recently part of the Queenstown Town Centre Masterplan and a detailed business case for transport improvements all the way from Ladies Mile, through Frankton and into and around Queenstown Town Centre.
View the Council's existing transport strategies here
View information about the Frankton to Queenstown detailed business case here
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The full recommended Town Centre Arterial route is not without its challenges.
Stage 2 will involve the demolition of the existing Queenstown Memorial Centre facility.
The Memorial Centre is part of the fabric of the performing arts and returned services community and the Council is committed to proactively working together on a solution for a replacement facility.
It is currently a proposed condition of the designation that the Memorial Centre cannot be demolished (effectively Stage 2 of the road cannot be constructed) until Council has, through its Ten Year Plan process, and after further consultation with users, confirmed a timeframe, funding and programme for the construction of new facilities.
The Council will be engaging with existing users of the facilities soon.
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A Community Liaison Group (CLG) was established for Stage 1 of the Queenstown Town Centre Arterial project, with all owners and occupiers of land on or adjacent to the designated route invited to join.
The group meets monthly to discuss the upcoming work programme, talk through any concerns as work progresses and to help the construction team understand community sentiment.
QLDC began the process to establish a further CLG for stages 2 and 3 of the project but has since temporarily put this on hold until funding to progress the project becomes available.
The recently adopted Long Term Plan 2024-2034 allocates funding for stages 2 and 3 from year six (2029-2030). Therefore it is more appropriate to establish the CLG once progress is underway again, to support good communication and timely engagement with affected property owners and occupiers.
What's the latest?
There’s lots of work coming up as we get closer to completing the Town Centre Arterial Road project.
Fitting together all the final stages is a bit like solving a big puzzle, and we want to make sure you’re kept up to date as this work progresses. To help with this, we will now be providing weekly updates every Friday, outlining what’s planned for the week ahead.
If you would like to stay updated and be added to the database, please email:
These are sent to our database, and published below:
Weekly updates
Archived monthly updates
Lower Ballarat Street and the Stanley Street SH6A/Ballarat Street intersection will temporarily close from early February as work recommences to build more resilience into Queenstown’s stormwater network.
Here's what the work means for access around the area:
Lower Ballarat Street will be closed between Stanley and Camp Street from Monday 10 February – Monday 16 May 2025.
The closure will allow construction crews to complete the replacement of 110m of stormwater pipe between the Village Green and Stanley Street, and construction of a new outfall structure to discharge stormwater into Horne Creek.
During this time there will be no general access to/from Athol Street from lower Ballarat Street. Resident and business access will be maintained. Entry into Athol Street for businesses and the KFC drive-through will be available from Shotover Street.
Coach stops on Athol Street will be temporarily relocated to the former Playcentre site on Stanley Street from Monday 10 February until Wednesday 19 February when they can be accommodated back on Athol Street.
Night works have been programmed from 19 February – 17 March, 10.00pm-10.00am Sundays to Thursdays. This follows close engagement with affected local businesses and ensures access to Brazz and Speights Ale House will remain clear and accessible during the day. Crews will continue working on the outfall structure (where stormwater is discharged into Horn Creek) and the Stanley Street intersection works (detailed below) during daytime hours, to keep the work progressing as quickly as possible.
The Stanley/Ballarat Street (SH6A) intersection will close from Wednesday 19 February – Thursday 24 April.
The closure will allow crews to connect the piped stormwater network within the Stanley Street (SH6A) intersection.
The work has been programmed to begin once the Arterial Road opens to traffic on 30 January 2025 to minimise disruption as much as possible.
The Arterial Road will be the alternative route into and out of the Queenstown town centre during this time.
Public bus stops on Stanley Street will be relocated. More detailed information about how to use the Orbus service during this time will be shared by Otago Regional Council soon.
Carparks will be closed, including the off-street carparks on Ballarat /Stanley Street and on-street parking on Ballarat Street.
Business and pedestrian access will remain on Stanley Street for Super Liquor, Toad Rentals, Life’s A Grind Espresso, 50 Stanley Street and the Queenstown District Court. Any required detours will be clearly signposted.
Other disruption includes noise and vibration:
We will be monitoring noise and installing sound mats on perimeter fencing where required.
Check out the video below outlining the upcoming works:
Check out a map showing how to access the Queenstown Town Centre:
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Teams are working through a number of side streets constructing new walls and upgrading underground services. Due to the amount of heavy machinery and grade of these streets, it is deemed a significant health and safety risk to keep the road and pedestrian footpaths open on Beetham, Ballarat and Malaghan Street.
As a result of this we will be closing the roads and footpaths as stated below.
Road and pedestrian footpath closures:
Lower Beetham Street – currently closed till end of March 2025
Upper Ballarat Street – currently closed till end of February 2025
Malaghan Street – currently closed till end of April 2025
Alternate pedestrian routes:
Turner Street (accessible by steps from Hallenstein St)
Sydney Street
Weaver Street
Resident access will be maintained at all times, but some delays are possible when entering and exiting your property in a vehicle. Pedestrian and emergency vehicle access will be maintained at all times.
We'll keep you updated on when pedestrian access can be restored.
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Plans and illustrations
These are very large files. If you are having trouble downloading them, please get in touch and we can provide you a printed copy.
This shows the full Queenstown Centre Arterial Road in the context of the wider Town Centre works underway.
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These are the preliminary design drawings for all three stages of the Town Centre Arterial. Any feedback received from affected people will be considered as we move to detailed design.
Preliminary Design and Designation Boundary plans #1
Preliminary Design and Designation Boundary plans #2
Preliminary Design and Designation Boundary plans #3
Preliminary Design and Designation Boundary plans #4
Preliminary Design and Designation Boundary plans #5
Preliminary Design and Designation Boundary plans #6
Preliminary Design and Designation Boundary plans #7
Preliminary Design and Designation Boundary plans #8
Preliminary Design and Designation Boundary plans #9
Pedestrian access
Below are various maps showing how you will be able to walk or bike to town from Queenstown Hill.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Arterial Road is a key enabling project for the Queenstown Town Centre. Stage 1 will link Melbourne and Henry Streets, providing locals and visitors to Queenstown with an alternative route to the town centre, and easier access towards Arthurs Point. It also unlocks a range of other benefits, including improved access for public transport, opportunities for more people-friendly streets and space for the town centre to grow and flourish.
The full route is made up of three stages:
- Stage 1: Melbourne / Henry Street (construction began 27 September 2021)
- Stage 2: Gorge Road to Hay Street
- Stage 3: Hay Street to One Mile Roundabout
The project was granted consent under the COVID-19 (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020. Full details of this process, including the decision and associated reports, can be found on the Environmental Protection Authority website: www.epa.govt.nz/fast-track-consenting/listed-projects/queenstown-arterials-project/
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Stage 1 of the Arterial will deliver the following elements:
- A significant upgrade to the underground services along the Arterial route and adjoining streets – so that means new water, wastewater and stormwater lines for a section of Frankton Road and parts of the following streets:
- Melbourne Street
- Henry Street
- Sydney Street
- Beetham Street
- Ballarat Street
- Suburb Street
- Undergrounded power along Melbourne and Henry Streets
- Wider footpaths with new street trees along Melbourne and Henry Street
- Intersections controlled by traffic lights at the following locations:
- Frankton Road and Melbourne Street
- Sydney Street and Melbourne Street
- Henry Street and Gorge Road
- Retaining walls, some with art work designed by Mana Whenua artists, that share the stories of the Whakatipu region.
- A significant upgrade to the underground services along the Arterial route and adjoining streets – so that means new water, wastewater and stormwater lines for a section of Frankton Road and parts of the following streets:
The need to look at an alternative roading solution to address traffic and congestion in the town centre has been identified in a number of strategies and studies since the early 2000s including the 2005 FutureLinks Transport and Parking Strategy, 2008 and 2014 Inner Links Study and 2017 Queenstown Town Centre Masterplan Town Centre Arterials indicative business case. All of these strategies and studies have been subject to community engagement, highlighting that this is a project that already has a reasonably high profile across the district.
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The budget for the design and construction of Stage 1 of the Arterial is $128.02m.
The New Zealand Government, via Crown Infrastructure Partners, is contributing $50 million.
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The project is being delivered by Kā Huanui a Tāhuna, an alliance formed by QLDC and Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency, along with two construction companies and two design companies, Downer NZ, Fulton Hogan, Beca and WSP. The project is also being delivered in partnership with mana whenua representatives.
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We are planning to have Stage 1 of the Arterial open at the end of January 2025. There will be some further construction work required at the intersection of Ballarat and Stanley Street in 2025, this work can not be started until the arterial road is open.
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The alignment of the Arterial goes through a neighbourhood that is entirely residential properties or visitor accommodation – places that people sleep. QLDC’s district plan includes hours of work and maximum noise limits that are compatible with people sleeping and enjoying respite from construction activity. The Arterial construction crew will work within these specified hours and noise limits.
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Stage 1 of the Arterial connects into Queenstown’s road network at two busy intersections – Frankton Road/Melbourne Street and Henry Street/Gorge Road. Both of these intersections will be completely rebuilt and traffic lights will be installed.
There be a lot of visible disruption while each of these intersections are under construction until late 2024.
For the Frankton Road/Melbourne Street intersection you can expect lots of cones and barriers and the speed limit will be reduced to 30km per hour past the worksite.
Please allow extra time for journeys that take you through these parts of town.
There will also be localised traffic disruption experienced by people at various times on all the other roads that form, or are connected to the Arterial.
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Temporary changes to vehicle access are likely to be the most disruptive thing that you will experience. Unfortunately, when new underground services are being laid, there will be times when getting your car in and out of your driveway won’t be possible. We’ll keep that time as short as possible, but please bear with us.
Some streets will be closed to through-traffic from time to time – so you may not be able to take your usual route.
Construction is quite noisy. The district plan sets noise limits and we’ll be monitoring our noise levels regularly to make sure we’re working within those limits. Work will mostly be completed between 7.30am and 6.00pm, Monday – Friday, and 7.30am-2.00pm on Saturdays.
We’ll be building some large retaining walls that will use large piling rigs to get the piles in. This may cause some vibration that you feel inside your home. We will be monitoring vibration levels and do not anticipate any damage to buildings or properties.
We’ll make sure your rubbish bins can be emptied each week – pop them out in the usual spot and we’ll move them to a spot where the trucks can empty them – and bring your empty bin back to where you left it.
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At times during construction, car parking spaces on the streets below will be unavailable. We will stay in touch with local residents and accommodation providers when there are temporary changes to on-street parking spaces along these streets:
Melbourne Street
Suburb Street
Sydney Street
Beetham Street
Ballarat Street
Henry Street
When Stage 1 of the Arterial is complete, the number and location of parking spaces on the following streets will be similar to before the project began:
Suburb Street
Sydney Street
Beetham Street
Ballarat Street
Most of the parking spaces on Melbourne Street and Henry Street will be removed.
Alternative parking options throughout Queenstown's CBD can be found on our Parking webpage.
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The full recommended Town Centre Arterial route is not without its challenges.
Stage 2 will involve the demolition of the existing Queenstown Memorial Centre facility.
The Memorial Centre is part of the fabric of the performing arts and returned services community and the Council is committed to proactively working together on a solution for a replacement facility.
It is a condition of the designation that the Memorial Centre cannot be demolished (effectively Stage 2 of the road cannot be constructed) until Council has, through its Ten Year Plan process, and after further consultation with users, confirmed a timeframe, funding and programme for the construction of new facilities.
The Council plans to engage with existing users of the facilities in the future.
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There is a key interface between the Arterial Road and the Frankton Intersection and Bus Hub Improvement Project at the intersection of Frankton Road and Melbourne Street.
This intersection will become controlled by traffic lights to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists. It will also include measures to prioritise public transport. The Frankton Intersection and Bus Hub Improvement Project will apply the same principles to a number of intersections along SH6/6A.
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Queenstown Hill will still be well-connected to the town centre – every street between the two areas will still be connected for pedestrians, so you can continue to take your normal route.
During construction there may be temporary footpath closures that mean you’ll need to cross to the other side of the street – but there will still be a simple route into town and back.
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The Arterial will be a local road.
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40km per hour. The same as other urban roads around Whakatipu.
30km per hour outside St Joseph's Church.
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No, vehicles or loads that are over-dimension will still useState Highway 6A, along Shotover Street and Stanley Street through Queenstown’s town centre.
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We have installed audio-tactile traffic signals at all new intersections including:
Sydney and Melbourne Street
Gorge Road and Henry Street
Melbourne Street and Frankton Road
On Frankton Road.
These signals are designed to assist blind and vision-impaired pedestrians by providing audio cues and tactile feedback to help them safely navigate busy intersections.
The signals emit audio cues (beeping sounds). These are configured to the lowest volume setting and have tactile features, such as vibrating push buttons, to indicate when it is safe to cross.
One of the locations is also near St Joseph school and church, which will ensure added safety for children and the wider community.
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Please contact Anita Sanghera, the Lead Stakeholder and Engagement Manager for Kā Huanui a Tāhuna.
Phone 021 376 130, or email:
anita.sanghera@wtpa.co.nzIf Anita can’t answer your questions, she'll put you in touch with someone who can.