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Urban Intensification Variation
Details regarding Queenstown Lakes District Council's Urban Intensification Variation
Quick links
General Hearing Information
The Hearing Panel:
Commissioners: David Allen (Chair), Ian Munro and Councillor Lyal Cocks
David Allen (Chair)
Environment and resource management, local government and infrastructure development.
• Chair of the hearings panel for Porirua City Council's Plan Change 18: Plimmerton Farm, which followed a Streamlined Planning Process to rezone 384ha for urban development (housing and commercial). The decision can be found at PC18 Final Report and Recommendations (storage.googleapis.com).
• Chair of the hearings panel for Lower Hutt City Council's Plan Change 43 to enable greater urban intensification across the general residential zone, new suburban mixed use activity zones and new medium density residential activity areas.
• Chair of hearings panels for tree and tree group plan changes in Upper Hutt City and for a consent for a brothel in the residential zone of Lower Hutt City.
• Presenter of the Ministry for the Environment's 'Making Good Decisions' programme required for all resource management decision-makers.
• Previously legal counsel assisting the Ruakura Development Plan Change Board of Inquiry (on a private plan change for an integrated inland port development of 389ha in Hamilton City), the Tukituki
Catchment Proposal Board of Inquiry (a water quality and quantity based plan change, designation and consents related to farm intensification and irrigation) and the New Zealand King Salmon Board of Inquiry (including appearing in the Supreme Court appeals) relating to a private plan change and consents for salmon farms in the Marlborough Sounds.
• Previously legal counsel assisting numerous Boards of Inquiry and Decision-Making Committees on applications for marine consents under the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act 2012.
Planning and consenting
• Advising Christchurch City Council as part of the Buddle Findlay team on its Intensification Streamlined Planning Process.
• Advising both Genesis Energy and Contact Energy on numerous policy statement and plan change processes around the country.
• Advised the Crown on its All of Government submission (on behalf of 22 government departments and agencies) on the proposed Christchurch Replacement District Plan, including the designation and roading chapters and on the key infrastructure projects.
• Advised the Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust on its Environment Court appeal on the Proposed Hastings District Plan in relation to sites of cultural significance and outstanding landscapes.
• Advising Let's Get Wellington Moving and its partners, Wellington City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council and Waka Kotahi on the designating and consenting, local government and associated matters for its $7.4b investment programme.
• Advised Greater Wellington Regional Council (flood protection and public transport), Hutt City Council (urban renewal of its CBD following the increased flood protection) and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport
Agency (a new Melling interchange and bridge over the Hutt River) and KiwiRail (relocated rail assets) on the successful Environment Court direct referral process for the $700m plus RiverLink project. This significant climate adaptation project for the city and region. The RiverLink project won the NZPI Best Practice Award for integrated planning and investigations at the 2023 NZPI awards.
• Advising Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency on the $1.5b Ōtaki to North of Levin project and the $300m plus Mt Messenger (SH3) bypass project.
• Advised Contact Energy on its $700m plus Geofuture project for geothermal electricity generation in the Wairakei field which was successfully consented in 2022, having previously advised Contact on
numerous thermal, wind, geothermal and hydroelectric power schemes.
• Advising Genesis Energy on the present reconsenting of its Tekapo A and B hydroelectric power stations.
• Advising Horowhenua District Council, Wellington Water Limited, Central Hawkes Bay District Council, Tararua District Council, Whakatane District Council and Tauranga City Council on numerous wastewater and water projects including many Environment Court hearings.
• Advising Horowhenua District Council on numerous subdivision and land development matters and disputes, bylaws and various codes of practice.
• Advised CentrePort on the COVID Fasttrack consenting process by KiwiRail for the new Kaiwharawhara Ferry Terminal in Wellington Harbour with construction commencing this year.
• Advised Lower Hutt City Council on its 4.4km and $30m Eastern Bays shared use path and seawall (Tupua Horo Nuku) with construction commencing in 2022.
Affiliations and memberships
• Member of the Resource Management Law Association (RMLA)
• Associate member of the New Zealand Planning Institute (NZPI)
• LLB, BSc, MEnvi.Stud. (Victoria University of Wellington)
• Admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor in New Zealand 1999
• Accredited RMA Hearings ChairpersonIan Munro
Ian is a senior urban planner and urban designer who has had the opportunity to work across New Zealand including in all of the major centers and many of the provincial centers.
He has made or contributed to over 500 decisions on consent and plan change applications since 2007 for Auckland Council, Thames Coromandel District Council, Waikato District Council, Hutt City Council, Porirua City Council, Christchurch City Council and Queenstown Lakes District Council.
Specifically in Queenstown Lakes District, Ian has been a decision maker since 2007 including Resource Consents, Private Plan Changes, the Council's PDP, and more recently the Ladies Mile SPP procedure and the COVID-19 Recovery Act (Fast Track consents).
He is familiar with the National Policy Statement on Urban Development and what it means for Councils, including by way of being a Commissioner on Christchurch City Council's PC14 process.
Deputy Mayor Lyal Cocks
Lyal has lived in Wanaka for 26 years and was a QLDC Councillor for nine years from 2007 to 2016. During that time, he was an RMA commissioner and sat on many Resource Consent and Plan Change hearings, such as Northlake and Hanleys Farm.
After six years off Council, Lyal stood successfully for Council again in 2023 and has re-qualified as an RMA commissioner. He has extensive knowledge of the district and the challenges we face to continue being a great place to live and visit, and a significant contributor to New Zealand's economy.
Minutes and Memoranda
Summary of Decisions Requested - Addendum February 2025
Submissions Received 1375-1385
Make a Further Submission to Submission 1375-1385
Make a further submission:
Any written further submissions must be made using Form 6, as prescribed by the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003. All submissions must state whether or not you wish to be heard in support of your further submission at a hearing. The further submission form is available below as well as the Ministry for the Environment and New Zealand Legislation websites.
Who can make a further submission?
The following persons may lodge a further submission:
(a) Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; and
(b) Any person that has an interest in an aspect of the variation greater than the public in general.
What can a further submission cover?
Further submissions must be limited to matters in support of, or in opposition to, a matter raised in an original submission.
How do I make a further submission?
Using: Form 6
By post: Queenstown Lakes District Council, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348, Attention: PDP Urban Intensification Variation Further Submission
By email: pdpsubmission@qldc.govt.nz (subject line: PDP Urban Intensification Variation Further Submission)
Submissions closed February 28th 2025
Summary of Decisions Requested - Addendum August 2024
Submissions Received - 1370, 1371 and 792
792: Three submission points from the following submission were also not included in the summary
Make a Further Submission to Submission 1370, 1371 & 792
Make a further submission:
Any written further submissions must be made using Form 6, as prescribed by the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003. All submissions must state whether or not you wish to be heard in support of your further submission at a hearing. The further submission form is available below as well as the Ministry for the Environment and New Zealand Legislation websites.
Who can make a further submission?
The following persons may lodge a further submission:
(a) Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; and
(b) Any person that has an interest in an aspect of the variation greater than the public in general.
What can a further submission cover?
Further submissions must be limited to matters in support of, or in opposition to, a matter raised in an original submission.
How do I make a further submission?
Using: Form 6
By post: Queenstown Lakes District Council, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348, Attention: PDP Urban Intensification Variation Further Submission
By email: pdpsubmission@qldc.govt.nz (subject line: PDP Urban Intensification Variation Further Submission)
Submissions closed August 22nd 2024
Summary of Decisions Requested - Addendum July 2024
Submissions Received - 1263, 1368 & 1369
Make a Further Submission to Submission 1263, 1368 & 1369
Make a further submission:
Any written further submissions must be made using Form 6, as prescribed by the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003. All submissions must state whether or not you wish to be heard in support of your further submission at a hearing. The further submission form is available below as well as the Ministry for the Environment and New Zealand Legislation websites.
Who can make a further submission?
The following persons may lodge a further submission:
(a) Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; and
(b) Any person that has an interest in an aspect of the variation greater than the public in general.
What can a further submission cover?
Further submissions must be limited to matters in support of, or in opposition to, a matter raised in an original submission.
How do I make a further submission?
Online: Form 6
By post: Queenstown Lakes District Council, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348, Attention: PDP Urban Intensification Variation Further Submission
By email: pdpsubmission@qldc.govt.nz (subject line: PDP Urban Intensification Variation Further Submission)
Submissions closed 25 July 2024
About the Urban Intensification Variation
QLDC's Urban Intensification Variation implements policy 5 of the NPS-UD, which directs councils to enable more height and density in certain locations. It also aims to implement the wider directive of the NPS-UD, to ensure well-functioning urban environments that meet the changing needs of our diverse communities and future generations.
This variation to the Proposed District Plan was endorsed for notification by Councillors at the Full Council meeting on Thursday 1 June 2023 and the inclusion of Lake Hāwea South was endorsed at the 10 August 2023 Full Council meeting. The full plan variation is being publicly notified for submissions using the process prescribed by schedule 1 of the RMA.
The plan variation gives effect to the central government's NPS requirements, while responding to the local context. The plan variation also marks the implementation of several outcomes and objectives identified across the Queenstown Lakes Spatial Plan 2021, the Joint Housing Action Plan, the Climate and Biodiversity Plan 2022-2025, and the Better Ways to Go Mode Shift Plan 2022.
This variation does not apply to land where Operative District Plan (ODP) zones apply. The approach for urban ODP land is that the NPS-UD will be implemented when each ODP zone is reviewed through the district plan review work programme.
Regarding proposed amendments to Council’s Design Guides which are incorporated by reference in the Proposed District Plan, Appendix 1L – ‘Proposed Changes to Design Guides Summary’ describes the proposed changes which reflect the changes proposed to the planning provisions. A separate public feedback process applies when changes are proposed to material incorporated by reference, pursuant to clause 34 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act.
More info on how to give feedback on the proposed changes to the following documents incorporated by reference in the Proposed District Plan will follow:
Wānaka Town Centre Character Guideline 2011
Residential Design Guide 2021
Business Mixed Use Design Guideline 2021
Arrowtown Design Guidelines 2016
Queenstown Town Centre Special Character Area Guidelines 2015
Summary of Decisions Requested
A further submission can only be made in support or opposition of an original submission on the variation. More information on the further submission process can be found on page 5 of this guidance note.
The Summary of Decisions Requested Report linked below summarises the decisions requested in the original submissions on the variation, however it is not required to summarise the reasons or broader context outlined in the original submissions. The full version of the original submissions can be viewed via the link below.
Please note that during the hearing for the variation, the Independent Hearings Panel will consider all submissions received (including all the reasoning and discussion within the submissions), not just the summary of decisions requested.
If you have any questions about the further submission process or need any help with making a further submission, please email PDPenquiries@qldc.govt.nz or call 03 441 0499 and ask to speak to the Duty Policy Planner.
Submissions Received
You can view all submissions received via our online submission system Consult24 using the link below.
Make a further submission
When a person or group makes a submission or further submission on a District Plan or Plan Change this is public information.
Please note that by making a submission your personal details, including your name and addresses will be made publicly available under the Resource Management Act 1991. This is because, under the Act, any further submission supporting or opposing your submission must be forwarded to you as well as to QLDC.
There are limited circumstances when your submission or your contact details can be kept confidential. If you consider you have compelling reasons why your submission or your contact details should be kept confidential please contact the Senior District Plan Administrator on 03 441 0499 to discuss.
Further Submissions closed 14 June 2024
Specific guidance on how to make a further submission is on page 5
Want to talk about it?
If you have any queries on any of the information provided, how to make a submission or need help finding a particular document, please contact one of our dedicated duty policy planners on 03 441 0499 (Queenstown) or 03 443 0024 (Wānaka) or email us at pdpenquiries@qldc.govt.nz
Section 32 report and appendices
Next steps
Hearings on the Proposed Urban Intensification Variation are expected to be held in 2025.
Submitters who said that they wished to speak to their submission will be contacted with more details about the hearing closer to the time.