Level 1 water restrictions are in effect for residents around Lake Hayes. Keep handheld hosing to a minimum, and only use sprinklers between midnight and 6.00am. Find out more information on restrictions.

Arts, Culture and Heritage Funds

Supporting the diversity, heritage and creativity of our place and people is essential for community wellbeing and helps to build a culturally rich and creative district that is accessible to all. Funding is available to support our distinct local arts, heritage and cultural projects from a range of contestable funds.

Creative Communities Scheme (CCS)

The Creative Communities Scheme works to strengthen the local art community. Projects that get funded do at least one of the following:

  • encourage participation — creating opportunities for local communities to engage with, and participate in local arts activities

  • support diversity — supporting the diverse artistic cultural traditions of local communities

  • enable young people — they provide opportunities for young people (under 18 years) to engage with, and participate in the arts

This scheme has two funding rounds each year:

  • Round 1: opens 1 February and closes 28 February 2025

  • Round 2: opens 1 August and closes 29 August 2025

How to apply

Anyone who would like to deliver an arts based project in the Queenstown Lakes District can apply for a grant from the Creative Communities Scheme. Read the applicant guide and complete the application form:

Central Lakes Arts Support Scheme (CLASS)

The Central Lakes Arts Support Scheme works to strengthen and enhance the local art sector. Funding available is a maximum of $2,000 annually per applicant and per project. Funding applications can be made to CLASS at any time. Decisions are made on a monthly basis.

How to apply

Complete the application form and send it to the appropriate organisation for consideration, Queenstown applications close on the 15th of each month with funding outcomes by the end of each month for projects happening in the following month:

Projects in the Queenstown, Arrowtown and Glenorchy areas, please complete and return this application form to:

Creative Queenstown
Private Bag 50072
Queenstown 9348

Projects in the Wanaka and Upper Clutha areas, please complete and return this application form to:

Upper Clutha Arts Council
PO Box 216
Wanaka 9343

The Upper Clutha Arts Council meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Applications must be received by the 20th of the month prior.

Heritage Incentive Grant

Applications for the heritage incentive grant can be made by the owners of listed heritage items (natural and built) in the Queenstown Lakes District. Financial assistance will only be granted to Category 1, 2, and 3 historic buildings, sites and objects (including trees) as listed in the Inventory of Protected Features (Appendix 3) in the District Plan.

Applications can be made for the following financial assistance:

  • Professional Advice - to assist with advice on earthquake strengthening, building conservation plans, adaptive re-use feasibility studies and other studies to do with the conservation of the place, object or tree which will encourage their protection, preservation, maintenance and enhancement.

  • Consent - to assist with reimbursing the landowner for land use consent and building consent fees incurred in preservation or adaptive re-use. These are fees incurred because of the historic designation.

  • Maintenance - to assist with funding routine maintenance work undertaken by heritage professionals

How to apply

Complete the application form listed below and send it to:

Jan Maxwell
Private Bag 50072
Queenstown, 9348

or email:


If you have any enquiries regarding this application please call (03) 441 0499.