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101 Ballantyne Road Masterplan
A project is underway to develop a Masterplan for 101 Ballantyne Road, Wānaka.
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About the project
Our district is experiencing sustained and rapid growth, which puts pressure on access to sport and recreation facilities.
As the Wānaka area changes, so too do the needs of the community. The recently rezoned land at 101 Ballantyne Road provides an opportunity to build a multi-use green space in the Wānaka area to support the changing and future needs of the growing community.
A Masterplan will be developed for the site, setting a clear path for the development of sport, recreation and open space facilities for the next 20 years, to complement existing facilities in the area.
Community input will be vital as the masterplan is developed and we’ll keep you updated on opportunities to take part in this process.
Council has appointed Boffa Miskell to lead development of the Masterplan.
The Masterplan objectives
Gain mana whenau support to ensure the space aligns with cultural values and pincriples.
Understand and deliver the sport and recreation needs of the community.
Make the community aware of the project and the planned sport and recreation upgrades
To clearly communicate how the end result contributes to social, economic, environmental and cultural value of the Wānaka community
To contribute to Council's vision beyond 2050
Successful delivery of this project will result in a 101 Ballantyne Road Masterplan that sets out a path to greater community sport and play participation.
The Masterplan objectives
The Masterplan aims to achieve the following:
Create and develop a sports hub that will benefit and enrich the lives of the growing Upper Clutha community and visitors.
Improve community outcomes, including health, neighbourhood connectedness and quality of the local environment.
Improve/overcome the challenges set by the high demand for sporting facilities in this fast-growing district. Taking into consideration the population growth and demographic trends.
Increase the number of people using this hub for sports and recreational activities, providing supporting tourism and recreation opportunities, and associated economic development.
Project update - 9 September 2022
The development of a masterplan for the site is essential to inform future use and a facility that meets the needs of the community. QLDC commissioned the development of a draft masterplan with a 20-year planning horizon, acknowledging the projected growth of the residential population and community changes. Producing the engagement summary has helped to clarify the full scope of what the community hopes this site will deliver alongside understanding the cost challenges involved in developing a fit-for-purpose facility in the currently constrained financial climate.
With the clarity the engagement process has provided, the focus will turn now to reprogramming the timing for the project that accommodates the necessary remediation work and the time and space needed to create a leading sport and community hub. This will couple with the 2024-2034 Ten Year Plan budgeting process and be directed by the elected members as they shape what that long term plan delivers.
QLDC is grateful to all the members of the community who took part in engagement to date, whether that’s through online feedback, meetings or at drop-in sessions. Understanding your aspirations and needs has helped to shape what we've done so far and will continue to inform the project delivery when it moves ahead. That forward programme of work will include further wide consultation with the community and stakeholders.
Councillors give green light to remediation work
101 Ballantyne Road has been given the green light for remediation work to begin!
QLDC Councillors agreed to the work in the full council meeting on 24 October and this means QLDC can now enter into a commercial agreement with Willowridge Developments Ltd to remediate the ground.
The work will look to remediate any contamination, complete earthworks using clean fill, and grass the site. In time, this will help achieve the long-term vision of developing a Ballantyne Road Sports Hub for community use.
The consenting aspects of the Ballantyne Road project is set to begin with construction expected to start mid-2025. Nearly 150,000m3 of earth from an existing development site and shift this clean fill to the ponds site creating a flat, 20ha grassed area.
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