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Notification and Submissions
The notification phase of the District Plan review is when we formally propose changes to parts of the district plan and encourage the community to make a submission. Following this, we summarise all submissions received and invite further submissions to be made.
Detailed below are the relevant documents for these two interrelated phases. If you would like to view public submissions made on any of the proposed changes, please click on the quick link to the Submissions section below.
Quick links
Withdrawals under Clause 8D
Notification of the removal of the Informal Recreation Zone as part the Stage 2 Variation to the PDP from Lot 5 DP 460313 owned by Queenstown Lakes District Council and Lots 1-4 DP 460313 owned by Cardrona Valley Farms Limited.
Notification of the withdrawal of the proposed Wāhi Tūpuna Overlay from areas where it affects the following zones of the Operative District Plan:
- Quail Rise Special Zone
- Remarkables Park Special Zone
- Shotover Country Special Zone
- Mt Cardrona Station Special Zone
- Kingston Village Special Zone
- The High Density Residential Zone located on the western edge of Gorge Road
The overlay has been withdrawn from these areas for procedural reasons as the above special zones have not yet been notified as part of the current district plan review.
The following submissions to Stage 3 of the Proposed District Plan are affected by this withdrawal.
3008 Matt Goodall (Reavers Lodge)
3040 Vernon Reid
3015 Gillian Macleod
3320 John Young of Brookfields Lawyers (ZJV (NZ) Ltd)
3183 Nick Geddes of Clark Fortune McDonald & Associates (The Station at Waitiri & Waitipu Ltd)
3317 John Young, Brookfields Lawyers (Remarkables Park Ltd)
3281 Alyson Hutton, Brown & Company Mt Cardrona Station Ltd
3306 Megan Justice, Mitchell Daysh Ltd, Kingston Village Ltd
Further Submissions FS3430.5, FS3430.38, FS3430.84, FS3430.2020, FS3430.631 – Maree Kleinlangevelsloo, Aukaha
Notification of the withdrawal of the variation seeking to rezone land at the Queenstown Shotover Delta (the proposed Open Space Informal Recreation Zone at Lot 2-3 DP 422388 and Section 143-144, 152 Block I Shotover Survey District) from the Queenstown Lakes Council Proposed District Plan.
The land affected by the withdrawal will revert to Rural Zone as determined by the decision on Stage 1 of the current district plan review.
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Notification of the withdrawal of the Upper Clutha Landscape Schedules Variation. This Variation has been withdrawn due minor errors in the mapping that accompanies the Variation. The Council will correct these errors and then seek feedback on the proposal to incorporate the revised maps associated with the landscape schedules and will renotify the Variation once that feedback period has closed and Council has considered the feedback received.
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On August 1 2024 the Full Council resolved to withdraw the Inclusionary Housing Variation under Clause 8D of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), for the reasons generally expressed in the agenda report, namely that the IHP was not satisfied under section 32 of the RMA that the Variation was the most efficient and effective way of achieving its objectives, and its recommendation makes it impracticable to progress the Variation any further at this time.
Public notices
Notified chapters
Notified variations
Notified maps
Section 32 reports
To view all submissions received to the Proposed District Plan, please click on the Consult24 link below.
Stage 3 and 3b submitters: To help us with scheduling of the hearing, please fill out the form linked below if you wish to speak, and email your completed form to dphearings@qldc.govt.nz
Summary of decisions requested: 2015-2016
Summary of decisions requested: 2018
Summary of decisions requested: 2020
Summary of Decisions Requested: 2021
Summary of Decisions Requested: 2022
Summary of Decisions Requested: 2023
To view all submissions, please visit Consult24.
All persons interested in the Business Mixed Use Design Guide please be aware of the following:
Between 19 September 2019 and 21 October 2019 an incorrect version of the Business Mixed Use Design Guide, was notified and accessible on the website. This error was identified at 10:00AM on 16 October 2019, and corrected by 12:00PM on 21 October 2019.
This incorrect version contained an error in Section 08 WASTE AND SERVICE AREAS of Paragraph 4 (p.22) in omitting the italicised text below:
“Ensure that regular rubbish collection is facilitated to reduce the risk of odor and bins clogging the footpath on collection day. Waste and service areas should not be prominent in form but need to be accessed easily, encourage waste minimisation and should provide sufficient area for waste and recyclable materials to be collected separately. These measures will assist with implementing the QLDC Waste Minimisation Plan 2018. Encourage combined service areas for multiple uses on a site.”
The correct version is now on the website and the incorrect version has been removed. The correct version was approved by Council for notification. All Stage 3 submitters have been made aware of this correction.
All persons interested in the Wāhi Tūpuna provisions please note well the following:
For several hours on 19 September the Wāhi Tūpuna layer was only visible on the Web Mapping Application when zoomed out and was not visible if you happened to zoom in to a property with the viewer. This problem was identified at 1.30pm and resolved by 4.30pm. Please recheck the Web Mapping Application for Stage 3 if you looked for a Wāhi Tūpuna notation on the viewer on the 19th September 2019.