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Stream 14 - Wakatipu Basin
This hearing was held on 9 July – 26 July and 24 October 2018. This covered Chapter 24 – Wakatipu Basin (including Mapping submissions on stage one for this area not yet heard) and Arrowtown Mapping. On this page you will find all relevant documentation relating to the stream including S42A reports (aka planner's report), evidence, and recordings.
Quick links
General hearing information
The Hearing Panel for this stream:
Chair: Denis Nugent
Commissioners: Trevor Robinson, Mark St Clair, Yvette Couch-Lewis, Cath Gilmour and Lyal Cocks
Minutes and Memoranda (Streams 14 and 15)
Council's legal submissions and summaries
Council's expert evidence
Section 42A reports
Submitter Pre-lodged evidence and legal submissions
Below is all the evidence pre-lodged by submitters in accordance with the Panel's Direction and the Notice of Hearing.
These pdfs are sorted by original submitter number (where one exists) and contain the following information:
Submitter Number/s - Submitter Name - Hearing Number - Submitter/Expert/Counsel Submissions/Evidence/Legal Submission - the date to appear
NB: where a "C" appears after Evidence/Legal Submission (eg Evidence C) this would indicate it is a copy and this evidence is lodged against multiple submitters.
Evidence presented at hearing
Hearing recordings
Depending on your sound quality of your device, these recordings may be best heard through headphones.
Rebuttal evidence
Council's right of reply
S357 objection hearings
This was held 26 November 2018 and covered objections to Stream 14 - S357.
Commissioner: Jane Taylor
Parties involved:
Tucker Beach Residents Society Incorporated (S2802)
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of New Zealand (S2662)