Dog Registration: You may receive delays in receiving a response due to the fact we've received so many enquiries and our system is playing catching up - rest assured, we're working through these requests as quickly as possible. Check out our dog registration page for more information.

Stream 12 - Upper Clutha Mapping

This hearing was held on 15 May - 14 June 2017 and covered Upper Clutha Mapping. On this page you will find all relevant documentation relating to the stream including S42A reports (aka planner's report), evidence, and recordings.

General hearing information

Minutes and Memoranda

Section 42A reports

Council's expert evidence

Pre-lodged evidence and legal submissions

Below is all the evidence pre-lodged in accordance with the Panel's Direction and the Notice of Hearing. You may also want to refer to the submitter list.

Rebuttal evidence

Below is evidence in response to pre-lodged evidence from submitters.

Evidence presented at hearing

Hearing recordings

Depending on your sound quality of your device, these recordings may be best heard through headphones.

Council's right of reply