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The appeals phase of the District Plan review comes after Council has notified its decisions on submissions. Submitters can appeal these decisions to the Environment Court who will hear the case again.
Further information on the appeals process and how to lodge an appeal is available on the Environment Court website
We request that all correspondence relating to appeals be directed to the Environment Court and to dpappeals@qldc.govt.nz
Proposals under Section 293
Public Notification of Boyd, Redai and Ors Enviornment Court Appeal Section 293 Proposal - Proposed Urban Growth Boundary amendment and Lower Density Suburban Residential zoning at corner of Orchard and Riverbank Roads
Feedback has now closed.
Public notification of a proposed alteration to the boundary of the Mt Alpha Outstanding Natural Landscape (ONL)
The proposed alteration involves a minor mapping correction that will reposition the Mt Alpha ONL boundary as it relates to land to the south of Waterfall Creek (to the west of Wanaka, at the base of the Mt Alpha face).
How to provide feedback (the feedback period has closed):
Any person who has an interest in the proposed mapping alteration that is greater than the interest the general public has must give notice under section 274 of the RMA (using Form 33) to join as a party. That notice must be filed by no later than 14 June 2021.
After that notice has been filed, every party must serve on the Queenstown Lakes District Council, and file with the Environment Court, by no later than 28 June 2021:
• Written notice outlining either support or opposition for the proposed alteration, with reasons; and
• Any affidavit landscape evidence for their position.Full details can be found in the Public Notice.
Public notification of a proposed alteration to the planning maps determined through Stage 1 of the Proposed Queenstown Lakes District Plan.
The proposed alteration involves a minor mapping correction that will reposition the Pisa/Criffel Range ONL boundary as it relates to land in and around Knoll A3KV (to the west of Luggate).
Any person who has an interest in the proposed mapping alteration that is greater than the interest the general public has may provide to Queenstown Lakes District Council written comments on the proposed alteration (and any landscape evidence in support) by no later than 28 May 2021. The feedback period has now closed.
Full feedback details can be found in the Public Notice.
Public notification of proposed alterations to the mapping and landscape classification of the Clutha River / Mata Au Outstanding Natural Feature (ONF) Corridor
The proposed alterations involve the mapping of the extent of the Clutha River / Mata Au Corridor within the Queenstown Lakes District, and a change to the landscape classification of the Clutha River / Mata Au Corridor from Outstanding Natural Landscape (ONL) to Outstanding Natural Feature (ONF).
Any affected landowner or any person who has an interest in the proposed alterations may provide to Queenstown Lakes District Council written comments on the proposed alteration (and any landscape evidence in support) by no later than Tuesday 12 October 2021. The feedback period has now closed.
Full feedback details can be found in the public notice
Public notification of proposed alterations to the Structure Plan and provisions of the Jacks Point Zone determined through Stage 1 of the Proposed Queenstown Lakes District Plan and inclusion of a Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) for the Jacks Point Village in Chapter 41.
Any affected landowner or any person who has an interest in the proposed alterations may provide written comments (and supporting evidence) on the proposed alterations to Queenstown Lakes District Council and Jacks Point no later than 15 November 2021. Written comments have now closed.
Public notification of proposed amendments to extend the application of Policy to apply to Outstanding Natural Features (ONFs) in addition to Outstanding Natural Landscapes (ONLs), determined through Stage 1 of the Proposed Queenstown Lakes District Plan.
Any affected landowner or any person who has an interest in the proposed alterations may provide written comments (and supporting evidence) on the proposed alterations to Queenstown Lakes District Council no later than 17 November 2021. Period for written comments has now closed.
Full feedback details can be found in the public notice