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Priorty Area Landscape Schedules
This proposal is a variation to Chapter 21 Rural Zone of the Proposed District Plan, to introduce landscape schedules 21.22 and 21.23. These schedules set out the landscape values for twenty-nine Priority Area landscapes across the Whakatipu Basin and Upper Clutha.
The District’s landscapes are of significant value to the people who live in, work in or visit the District. The Proposed District Plan sets out a policy framework that seeks to protect, enhance or maintain these landscapes. The proposed landscape schedules seek to make clearer what aspects of these landscapes are to be protected, maintained or enhanced.
Quick links
Lodge an Appeal
Appeals on Priority Area Landscape Schedules Variation to the Proposed District Plan have closed
Further information on the appeals process and how to lodge an appeal is available on the Environment Court website
We request that all correspondence relating to appeals be directed to the Environment Court and to dpappeals@qldc.govt.nz
Hearing of Submissions
You can see all of the Hearing information and documents, including Minutes from the Hearing Panel on the Landscape Schedule hearing page
Correction to Summary of Decisions Requested
Corrected Summary and submitter details
Make a Further Submission to Submissions listed in corrected Summary of Decisions Requested
Make a further submission:
Any written further submissions must follow Form 6, as prescribed by the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003. All submissions must state whether or not you wish to be heard in support of your further submission at a hearing. The further submission form is available from the QLDC offices and listed below , as well as the Ministry for the Environment and New Zealand Legislation websites.
Who can make a further submission?
The following persons may lodge a further submission:
(a) Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; and
(b) Any person that has an interest in an aspect of the variation greater than the public in general.
What can a further submission cover?
Further submissions must be limited to matters in support of, or in opposition to, a matter raised in an original submission.
Further submissions have closed
Summary of Decisions Requested
Submissions Received
You can view all submissions received on the Landscape Schedules via our online submission system Consult24 using the link below.
Make a further submission
When a person or group makes a submission or further submission on a District Plan or Plan Change this is public information.
Please note that by making a submission your personal details, including your name and addresses will be made publicly available under the Resource Management Act 1991. This is because, under the Act, any further submission supporting or opposing your submission must be forwarded to you as well as to QLDC.
There are limited circumstances when your submission or your contact details can be kept confidential. If you consider you have compelling reasons why your submission or your contact details should be kept confidential please contact the Senior District Plan Administrator on 03 441 0499 to discuss.
Written submissions must follow Form 6 as prescribed by the Resource Management Act 1991.
Further submissions have closed
Section 32 report and schedules
Priority Areas included in the schedules
The twenty-nine Priority Areas included in the schedules are:
parts of the Outstanding Natural Features of Peninsula Hill, Ferry Hill, Shotover River, Morven Hill, Lake Hayes, Slope Hill, Feehly Hill, Arrow River, Kawarau River, Mt Barker, and Mt Iron. (see Policy 3.3.36.a.)
parts of the Outstanding Natural Landscapes of West Wakatipu Basin, Queenstown Bay and environs, Northern Remarkables, Central Wakatipu Basin Coronet Area, East Wakatipu Basin and Crown Terrace Area, Victoria Flats, Cardrona Valley, Mount Alpha, Roys Bay, West Wanaka, Dublin Bay, Hāwea South and North Grandview, and Lake McKay Station and environs. (see Policy 3.3.39.b.)
parts of the Rural Character Landscapes of Cardrona River/Mt Barker Road, Halliday Road/Corbridge, West of Hāwea River, Church Road/Shortcut Road, and Maungawera Valley (see Policy 3.3.39
Landscape and Priority Areas and Rural Character Landscape (arcgis.com)
The priority areas can also be viewed in the District Plan maps here
Want to talk about it?
If you have any queries on any of the information provided, how to make a submission or need help finding a particular document, please contact one of our dedicated duty policy planners on 03 441 0499 (Queenstown) or 03 443 0024 (Wānaka) or email us at pdpenquiries@qldc.govt.nz