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Driving training and road safety
Whakangungu kaitaraiwa
Here are some programmes and courses to help you and your loved ones stay safe out on the roads, as well as some useful tips.
Quick links
Programmes and courses
The RYDA programme provides teachers and students with appropriate tools to be responsible road users, featuring engaging workshops and educational material to motivate and take action to stay safe on NZ roads.
Check out this link for more information: https://rse.org.nz/about-ryda/
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SADD is student-led charity with the goal of preventing further loss on NZ roads and reduce the risk.
SADD provides support for schools and evidence based solutions to influence road user behaviour. Offering youth centred leadership, giving students an opportunity to be involved in positive change through campaigns and empower their fellow peers.
Check out this link for more info: https://www.sadd.org.nz/
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Community mentoring in the lower South Island to help vulnerable members of the community gain the skills and confidence to go for their drivers license. Drive my life features programmes for any stage of the license process, while providing road safety knowledge with the goal of reducing the number of unlicensed drivers on NZ roads.
Check out this link for more info: https://www.communitytrustsouth.nz/our-impact/your-stories/drivemylife/
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A joint ACC, Waka Kotahi and Local Government initiative aimed at increasing access to motorbike training. Training programmes are held in Wanaka and Cromwell. The website has lots of great info about motorbikes on NZ roads and how to sign up for free if you live in the Queenstown Lakes District.
Check out this link for more info: https://www.rideforever.co.nz/
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The Right Track programme deals with a range of people from all walks of life who have been charged with drink driving, driving dangerously etc. The Right Track programme is supported by QLDC.
Check out this link for more info: https://therighttrack.org.nz/
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Discover "Hike it, Bike it, Scoot it, Skate it," our dynamic road safety programme designed specifically for school children.
With a focus on empowering children from new entrants to year 8, this engaging initiative combines classroom instruction with on-road lessons, ensuring kids can confidently navigate their neighborhoods and travel to school safely.
From teaching the essential kerb drill to addressing road hazards, cycling safety, helmet usage, car travel, and bus safety, "Hike it, Bike it, Scoot it, Skate it" also equips parents, whānau, and caregivers with the knowledge and resources needed to instill lifelong road safety habits in children.
Join us in creating a safer and more secure environment for our young learners as they explore the world around them.
For more information check out this Caregivers' Guide.
Tips for staying safe
Here are some quick tips for staying safe when out on the roads.
Fatigue kills
Many think this means falling asleep at the wheel, but did you know you can drift in and out of sleep without even realising?
Fatigue can mean many things when it comes to driving. When you’re tired, exhausted or emotional your reaction times can increase, creating more of a risk to yourself and others.
Do you know how safe your car is?
Safety rating on vehicles – the more stars, the safer the car and the less likely you are to cause serious harm or even death to yourself and others. When buying a new car its essential to keep this in mind. It may sound expensive, but there are suitable cars in the lower price range that do have higher safety ratings. Some research into this when purchasing yourself or a teenager a car helps support New Zealand’s goal of a road to zero!
It only takes 30 seconds to check a vehicles safety rating by check out the Rightcar NZ website.
Do you know how safe your child is?
International best practice recommends the use of an appropriate child restraint (or booster seat) until your child reaches 148 cm tall or is 11 years old. Child restraint and medical professionals recommend that you keep your baby in a rear-facing restraint until as old as practicable, at least until they are 2 years of age.
When you are the driver, children in your car must be protected in the event of a crash. As the driver, you are responsible for ensuring that any child travelling in your vehicle is correctly using an appropriate child restraint.
For more information, check out Waka Kotahi's (NZTA) website.
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