Level 1 water restrictions are in effect for residents around Lake Hayes. Keep handheld hosing to a minimum, and only use sprinklers between midnight and 6.00am. Find out more information on restrictions.

Notified resource consents

Whakaae ā-rauemi i whakamōhiotia

Outlined below are the latest notified resource consents and hearings. Also detailed on this page are the steps to follow if you would like to make a submission on one of these proposals.

Publicly notified resource consents

Limited notified resource consents

Section 95B of the Resource Management Act 1991, and Section 29 of the Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas Act 2013, provides that only parties served with Limited Notifications are permitted to make a formal submission.

Scheduled resource consent hearings

Detailed in this section are all upcoming hearings. For information on hearing procedures, take a look at the pdf below. You can also view any application on eDocs by searching using the address or RM number.


Resource Consent

Time & Place Details

Ayrburn Precinct Limited


Tuesday 4th March 2025 9.00am

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Level 3, Beach Street, Queenstown

To hold up to seven Temporary Events with a maximum capacity of up to 3000 people (excluding staff) at ‘the Dell’, Ayrburn, each year for five years. Amplified sound to be limited to 12pm - 8pm.


Pty Limited


Friday 4th April 2025, 9.00am

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Level 3, Beach Street, Queenstown

Undertaking of residential visitor accommodation from an existing residential unit for a maximum of 365 nights per annum for a total of seven people at Unit 4, 13 Poole Lane, Queenstown.


Make a submission

Submissions must be received before the submission closing date.

If you would like to make a submission, the forms (13 and 21) to use can be downloaded below and are also on the Application Forms and Fees page.

Submissions can be posted, dropped into Council offices or emailed to rcsubmission@qldc.govt.nz 

For more details on the submission and pre-hearing process, please head to the FAQs page.