Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka will close from Sunday 16 March to Monday 17 March between midday (12.00pm) and 6.00am due to extreme risk of wildfire. Read our latest media release for further information.

Rabbit Control: Ferret and Working Dog Operations

Current operations

We're carrying out control work using ferrets and working dogs to reduce rabbit numbers in our district’s reserves to help decrease the effects they have on vegetation. 

To find alternative trails to walk your dog during rabbit control operations in your area, check out the interactive map below:

Note: Zoom in on map to see colour coded trails indicating where dogs must be on leash (blue), can be off leash (green) or not allowed (red).

  • An experienced professional contractor will carry rabbit control operations across the district including Cemetery Reserves (Shotover, Wānaka, Cardrona and Glenorchy Cemeteries) and Luggate and Templeton Reserves. Personnel and signage will be clearly visible at all times.

    When will work start?
    This work is carried out during daytime hours estimated for four-five hours across late December 2024 and January 2025. 

    What to expect
    There will be a team of working dogs and ferrets that will need to be able to work uninterrupted or interfered with by other dogs. 

    • If members of the public are asked to wait by the contractor, they must do so.
    • Public walking tracks may be temporarily closed while the rabbit control is happening.
    • Please keep your dog on a lead or under control while in the area. 
    • Do not allow your dog access to the working dogs or ferrets.

    Trained Ferrets fitted with location devices enter rabbit burrows to find rabbits via scent. Rabbits are chased out from tunnel systems to avoid capture from the ferret/s to be caught through a number of effective capture methods including a combination of nets and dogs.
