Black ice is present throughout the network following recent rainfall. We expect it to affect our roads for the rest of the week. Grit trucks are currently patrolling and gritting priority roads and will work through the network as they can. Updates available on our Facebook page.

Building Consent Authority Accreditation

We are an accredited Building Control Authority (BCA) as well as being a Territorial Authority.

What this means

Under the Building Act 2004, a Building Consent Authority (BCA):

  • Issues Building Consents, but not if a Building Consent is required to be subject to a waiver or modification of the Building Code

  • Inspects building work for which it has granted a building consent

  • Issues Notices to Fix

  • Issues Code Compliance Certificates (CCCs)

  • Issues Compliance Schedules

Under the Building Act 2004, a Territorial Authority (TA):

  • Performs the functions of a Building Consent Authority (BCA)

  • Issues Project Information Memoranda (PIMs)

  • Grants exemptions under clause 2 of Schedule 1

  • Grants waivers and modifications of the Building Code

  • Issues Certificates of Acceptance

  • Issues and amends Compliance Schedules

  • Administers annual Building Warrants of Fitness (BWOFs)

  • Enforces the provisions relating to annual Building Warrants of Fitness

  • Decides the extent to which buildings must comply with the Building Code when:

    • They are altered; or

    • Their use is changed; or

    • Their specified intended life changes

  • Performs functions relating to dangerous, earthquake-prone, or insanitary buildings

  • Enforces duties or obligations under Section 162C where residential pools must have means of restricting access