
This weekly programme at Wānaka Recreation Centre is a great indoor alternative to ball sports!

  • Sundays 3.00pm-5.00pm*
  • Only $5.00 per person with equipment provided, or 10 concession card for $46.50
  • No experience required - beginners welcome
  • Bookings not required - just turn up!

*Please note this program will be shifted to Paetara Aspiring Central to Saturdays, 10am to 12pm on 8th, 10th & 22nd March. 

Badminton is also played at Paetara Aspiring Central on Tuesday from 6.00pm to 8.00pm!

Outside of the above organised times, you're able to hire the court for private play or turn up for casual play if court space is free. Head over to hour court hire page for more information.

Contact us

For more information, please contact:

TEL: (03) 443 9334