Rates & Property
- Setting the Rates
- Revaluation and how it affects rates
- Rates Dates & Payment Options
- Changing your details
- Property Information Search
- Online Rates Payments
- Rates Rebates, Remission & Postponement
- Short-Term Visitor Accommodation
- Queenstown CBD Transport Rate for Queenstown Town Centre Properties
- Wastewater Rates for Cardrona
- Other Information
- Rates FAQs
Rubbish & Recycling
- How we recycle in the Queenstown Lakes District
- Cut your waste
- Commercial Services
- Rubbish & Recycling Collection
- Recycling Centres
- Transfer Stations
- Solid Waste Assessment
- Waste Minimisation Community Fund
- Waste Minimisation for Businesses
- Zero Waste Events
- Green and food waste
- Construction and demolition waste
Resource Consents
- Do I need a resource consent?
- Change, extend or surrender a resource consent
- Before you apply
- Apply for a resource consent
- Non-compliance & monitoring
- Submitting on a notified resource consent
- Land Developments and Subdivisions
- Need help?
- Current resource consents
- eDocs
- FAQs
- Practice notes and guidance
Alcohol Licensing
- Alcohol Public Notices
- Find the right alcohol licence and apply
- Alcohol licence fee calculator
- Renew and/or vary your alcohol licence
- Manager's certificates
- Legal requirements for licence holders
- District Licensing Committee decisions
- ARLA annual report
- Alcohol-Free Areas In Public Places
- Have your say on alcohol licence applications
- All alcohol licensing forms
- Gambling Information
Do It Online
Do It Online
- Register your Dog
- Register for a transfer or refund of dog registration fee
- Renewal for Hairdressers, Campgrounds, and Offensive Trade Registrations
- Activities in a Public Place - Application Form
- Register as a Homestay
- Register as Residential Visitor Accommodation
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- Register for Kerbside Collection Services
- No Spray Register
Ngā Hapori
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- Citizenship Ceremonies
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- Māori Community
- Managing the risk of wildfire
- Population and Demand
- Tuia Programme
- Venue Hire
- Winterdaze
Community Funding
Training opportunities and tips for preparing funding applications available now.
Kā mahi a te rēhia
- Queenstown Events Centre
- Wānaka Recreation Centre
- Paetara Aspiring Central
- Swim
- Learn to Swim
- Golf
- Kids' Recreation
- Sport & Rec Venues and Contacts
- Courts and Fields
- Memberships - Join Today
- Join the Sport & Rec Team
- Responsible Camping
- Parks and Walkways
- Lakes and Boating
- Mountain Biking
- Horse Riding
- Splash Café
- Physiotherapy
- Playgrounds
- School Holiday Programmes
Basketball @ QEC
Basketball begins on 8 April at QEC
Your Council
Your Council
Te Kaunihera ā-rohe
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- Fast-track Approvals Act
Annual Plan 2025-2026
Find out what’s happening with Annual Plan 2025-2026.
Your Council
Council Documents
- Long Term Plan (LTP)
- Archived Agendas & Minutes
- Annual Plans
- Annual Reports
- Asset Management Plans
- Awarded Council Contracts
- Bylaws
- Capex Quarterly Update
- Monthly Reports
- National Policy Statement - Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD)
- Policies
- Pre-election reports
- Queenstown Lakes Spatial Plan
- Reserve Management Plans
- Section 10A Reports
- Small Community Plans
- Strategies and Publications
- Submissions from QLDC
District Plan
- Operative District Plan
- Proposed District Plan
- ePlans
- National Policy Statement-Urban Development (District Plan Amendments)
- Urban Intensification Variation
- Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Variation
- Private Plan Change Application - The Hills Resort Zone
- Upper Clutha Landscape Schedules Variation
- Priority Area Landscape Schedules
- Special Zones Review
- District Plan maps
- A Guide to Plan Changes
- Planning Matters - Planning & Development Newsletter
- Recreation
- Queenstown Events Centre
- Wānaka Recreation Centre
- Paetara Aspiring Central
- Swim
- Learn to Swim
- Golf
- Kids' Recreation
- Sport & Rec Venues and Contacts
- Courts and Fields
- Memberships - Join Today
- Join the Sport & Rec Team
- Responsible Camping
- Parks and Walkways
- Lakes and Boating
- Mountain Biking
- Horse Riding
- Splash Café
- Physiotherapy
- Playgrounds
- School Holiday Programmes
Responsible Camping in the Queenstown Lakes District
Responsible campers share the responsibility of being guardians of this stunning landscape. We hope that you will make the most of our wild playground, and care for it as we do by leaving no trace and help keep our communities and natural environment free from pollution and waste.
Quick links
Be a responsible camper
There are many places you can camp in the Queenstown Lakes District, ranging from fully serviced holiday parks to Department of Conservation (DOC) campsites. Check out our Responsible Camping Brochure which includes tips for minimising waste.
Freedom camping is permitted only if your vehicle is certified self-contained. Learn more about Freedom Camping in the district by reading the FAQs. Read about the new regulations now in place for certifying self-contained vehicles.
Responsible Camping Map 2024-2025
Most council reserves are not permitted for freedom camping and fines may be issued for rule breakers.
Click below to view a map showing council reserve locations (that are prohibited for camping under the Reserves Act), campsites and public facilities across the district.
Freedom camping on other reserves managed by Department of Conservation may be restricted or prohibited. Freedom camping is not permitted anywhere on LINZ land in the Queenstown Lakes region.
Freedom Camping Bylaw review
Work is underway to develop a new Freedom Camping Bylaw for the Queenstown Lakes District. We are in the very early stages of developing the bylaw, so we have set up this page to share information and updates as we progress
There are many places you can camp, ranging from fully serviced holiday parks to DOC (Department of Conservation) campsites.
Visit CamperMate.co.nz or download the free app for full details.
Download the CamperMate App
We've teamed up with CamperMate to ensure all information on the map is correct and up to date for visitors! Download their free app on iOS or Android to find dedicated responsible camping sites and service hubs online.
Help minimise waste while camping
Whether you’re seeing our beautiful mountains and lakes for the first time or after decades of living here, they take your breath away. Our community shares the responsibility of being guardians of this stunning landscape, and we hope that you will make the most of our wild playground and care for it as we do by leaving no trace.
"Help protect our piece of paradise. Be a good guardian."
Putting recycling and rubbish in the right bin is helpful, but we want to change the game. Our Vision Beyond 2050 aspires to eliminate waste in the Queenstown Lakes.
So if you’re out and about in your campervan or you’ve got a tent ready and waiting in the boot of your car, get the thumbs-up from the locals by supporting our zero waste options while you’re here:
Getting a delicious coffee? Say no to single use take-away cups - sit in, bring your own reusable cup or use a deposit/return system in participating cafes. Local loan cup examples include the Chunky Loan Cup System.
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The Wānaka bag makes a great souvenir and all profits support reduction of single-use plastics. For stockists see plasticfreewanaka.co.nz.
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Wastebusters was voted “top clothing shop” in Wānaka’s Local’s Choice Awards. Salvation Army and Hospice have shops in both Queenstown and Wānaka.
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Local tips are available in the waste-free shopping guide at plasticfreewanaka.co.nz or www.therubbishtrip.co.nz.
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You'll find a list of local repairers and upcoming repair events at www.wastebusters.co.nz.
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Some campgrounds have separate food scrap bins or you can drop yours to a local composter using the Sharewaste. Sharewaste connects people who wish to recycle their food scraps and other organics with their neighbours who are already composting, worm-farming, or keep farm animals.
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Put only the right things in the bin so recycling can meet quality standards. Recycling is available at campgrounds, in public recycling bins near the lakefront, at the Wakatipu Recycling Centre in Queenstown and at Wastebusters in Wānaka (a small fee applies). For more information on what can be recycled within our district please visit: How we recycle in the Queenstown Lakes District.
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