Tell Me Yes - Mixed Style (Early Starters)

So you’ve got a basic level of fitness, right? Keen to push yourself? Mixed style training involving strength and cardio to deliver an all-body bootcamp.

General Information

  • Anyone of 16 years of age or older with a basic level of fitness.

  • During school terms - 10 February to 9 April for term 1 2025.

    Session times are Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 6.15am to 7.00am.

  • Queenstown Event Centre indoor stadium.

  • The programme is $229 for the term



Online bookings will open 30 September for term 4. If you have any questions please drop by reception or contact either of the following:

TEL: 03 450 9005 

Register for an account to book.

Login to your account and book.