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We've got plenty of playgrounds available across our district. Find out below which one is closest to you.
Quick links
Arthurs Point
Kelvin Heights
Lake Hayes Estate
Sunshine Bay
Albert Town
Lake Hāwea
Arrowtown Playgrounds
Jack Reid Park - Entrances to this park are off Centennial Avenue and Inverness Crescent and there is a walkway between 7 & 11 Suffolk Street. This is also the home field of the Arrowtown Rugby Club.
Reed Park - Entrances to this park are off Cotter Avenue, Fox's Terrace, Adamson Drive and Reid Crescent.
Rose Douglas Park - Entrances to this park are off Wiltshire, Hertford and Anglesea Streets.
Tipperary Place - Entrances to this park are off Tipperary Place, Elva Dawson Place and there is a walkway between 67 & 69 Centennial Avenue.
Arthurs Point Playgrounds
Murdoch Park - Entrances to this park are off Amber Close and Maple Court.
McMillan Road - This playground is on McMillan Road.
Fernhill Playground
Fernhill Road Playground - The entrance to this playground is on Fernhill Road, opposite Strawberry Lane.
Frankton Playgrounds
Gretton Park (Quail Rise) - This playground is off Gretton Way (off Ferry Hill Drive) and can also be entered via Stowmore Lane and Portree Drive.
Kawarau Falls - This playground is off Remarkable Crescent but can also be accessed off Alta Place.
Frankton Playground (Allan Crescent) - This playground is next to the artificial Turf on Allan Crescent.
Glenorchy Playground
Argyle Street - This playground is on the corner of Argyle and Cantire Streets.
Kelvin Heights Playgrounds
Bayview Reserve - This playground is on the reserve on the corner of Bay View and Peninsula Roads right on the waterfront.
Jardine Park - This playground is accessed via Poplar Drive or through a walkway between 35 & 39 Oregon Drive.
Kelvin Grove - This playground is situated on the Kelvin Heights Golf Course and Golf Course Loop Roads.
Kingston Playgrounds
Kingston School Reserve - This is situated at the Kingston Garston Highway end of Kent Street (by the Fire Station).
Kingston Domain - This playground is accessed off Kent or Cornwall Streets.
Lake Hayes Estate Playground
McBride Park - This playground is accessed via Hope Avenue, Rere Road or Onslow Road.
Queenstown Playgrounds
Bathhouse - This playground is situated on Marine Parade just along from the Bathhouse Cafe on the lakefront.
Dublin Street - This playground is situated right on the bend of Dublin Street (between Hallenstein Street and Edinburgh Drive).
James Clouston Memorial Park - This playground is situated on Man Street (between Thompson and Hay Streets).
St Omer Park - This park is situated on Lake Esplanade overlooking Lake Wakatipu.
Goldfield Reserve - This playground is situated on Goldfield Heights (between Golden Terrace and Panners Way).
Marina Drive - This playground is situated by the second s-bend on Marina Drive (off Frankton Road).
Sunshine Bay Playground
Williams Street - Entrances to this playground are on Williams Street (off Arawata Terrace) and there is also a walkway adjacent to 250 Fernhill Road.
Albert Town Playground
McMurdo Park - Entrances to this playground are off Dale Street and there is also a walkway betweend 18 and 20 Ash Avenue.
Lake Hāwea Playground
Peter Fraser Park - This playground is on Capell Avenue (between Bodkin Street and Noema Terrace).
Luggate Playgrounds
Luggate Domain - This playground is situated along the creek side of the domain on Main Road. It is on the right hand side of the road just prior to the bridge and Kingan Road.
Hopkins Street Reserve - This playground is accessed via Hopkins Street but there are 2 walkways; one from the Main Road opposite the Luggate Hotel and one off Alice Burn Drive.
Makarora Playground
Kiwi Street - This playground is situated on Kiwi Street just by the intersection of Kea & Kiwi Streets.
Wānaka Playgrounds
Achilles Place - This fenced playground is on Achilles Place (off Ragan Lane).
Aeolus Place - This playground is accessed on Aeolus Place (off Anderson Road) or Kuri Place (off Mount Iron Drive).
Cherry Court - This playground is accessed on Cherry Court (off Hunter Crescent between Beacon Point Road and Rowan Court) or between 75 & 81 Hunter Crescent.
Rimu Lane - This playground is accessed on Rimu Lane (off Hunter Crescent between Kowhai Drive and Bremner Park Road), or between 24 & 28 Hunter Crescent, or there is also access thru to Rimu Lane between 17 & 21 Kowhai Drive.
Rotary Playground - This playground is on the Stoney Creek end of Roys Bay Recreational Reserve on the Wanaka Lakefront, just along and opposite the Wanaka Showgrounds.
Roys Bay Recreational Reserve (Dinosaur Park) - This playground is in the heart of the CBD down on the waterfront and can be accessed either off Ardmore Street or a pathway off Lakeside Road. It is renowned for its large dinosaur slide.
Domini Park - This playground is accessed best off Trevathan Lane (off Kings Drive between Aspinall Street & Farrant Drive), but there are also pathways to the playground via large recreational reserve area off Bovett Place, or a pathway between 82 & 90A Anderson Road, or a walkway as far away as Aubrey Road. This playground also has a flying fox and BBQ area.
Wanaka Station Park - This beautiful park has swings which are best accessed off Homestead Close (off Wanaka-Mount Aspiring Road), but this large park is also accessed through an entranceway on Wanaka-Mount Aspiring Road (between Homestead Close and Tapley Paddock), off Norman Terrace (off Sargood Drive) and off waterfront walkways on the Waterfall Creek track which runs along the waterfront edge of Edgewater Resort.
Warren Street - This playground is situated right next door to the tennis courts on Warren Street (between McDougall and Stone Streets).
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