Black ice is present throughout the network following recent rainfall. We expect it to affect our roads for the rest of the week. Grit trucks are currently patrolling and gritting priority roads and will work through the network as they can. Updates available on our Facebook page.

BYOB Dance

A babywearing dance class for parents! The extra 'B' is for baby!

BYOB Dancing!

About BYOB Dancing!

BYOB Dancing is a class for new parents. It's a great way to re-connect with fitness, meet new parents and have a fun time with baby! You'll need to have a baby carrier and dance with baby attached to you!

They're a great little weight!

Do you want to know more about what is involved? You can check out this YouTube video of a similar class. If that seems like fun, then come along!

When and Where?

BYOB Dancing! is on every Monday at 10.00am in the Paetara Aspiring Central studio.

The class will start on Monday 29 April!

How much does it cost?

BYOB Dancing! is just $15 per session.

No need to sign up, just turn up every week as you like!