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Community Wellbeing
Te hauora ā-hapori
In tough times it can be hard to know how to feel or what to do. If you're not 'All Right' or you know someone who may be struggling, there are practical tips for looking after yourself and your whānau at allright.org.nz.
If you want to help others get through together, then please consider downloading these posters and putting them up in your office, venue, and/or premises: click here.
He waka eke noa – we're all in this together.
Quick links
What to do for someone experiencing a mental health crisis
In an immediate and serious situation when you are afraid for your safety or for the safety of those around you:
Phone 111 and ask for Police
Or contact the Southern DHB crisis line (Emergency Psychiatric Team) on 0800 467 846 - press 1 for Southland (which includes Queenstown) or press 2 for Central Otago, Wanaka, and the rest of Otago.
Health & Wellbeing
Your health and wellbeing is extremely important, and practising good health is critical to maintaining a positive headspace. Remember to eat well, exercise when possible, connect with family and friends over the phone or internet, and drink alcohol in moderation.
If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or you’re not coping, please consider using any of the resources below for advice and guidance on maintaining your mental health and wellbeing.
If you need help now
Freecall or text 1737, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for support from trained counsellors.
Freecall Lifeline on 0800 543 354 or text HELP to 4357.
Contact your GP
For advice, visit: 1737.org.nz.
COVID-19 Support
It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious or worried during this time.
The Ministry of Health has information and tools to support your own and others’ mental wellbeing on their COVID-19 webpage.
Traffic Light Guide by Te Hau Toka
Te Hau Toka has put together the ‘traffic light’ guide (designed to be folded into a brochure) to looking after your wellbeing. It covers tips for what to do in an immediate mental health crisis (red), extra support (orange), and keeping well (green).
Looking after our wellbeing is essential right now. We can’t afford not to do it. Here are some tips based on the Five Ways to Wellbeing and Te Whare Tapa Whā.
Pick what works for you, adapt it, and keep at it!
More info at https://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/get-help/getting-through-together/wellbeing-tips
Creating and maintaining relationships is critical to boosting wellbeing - our relationships help us feel valued, loved and give purpose -all this makes us feel good!
Getting moving is not just good for our bodies, it makes a real difference to how we feel. It doesn’t always mean getting sweaty– things like walking the dog or dancing through the house work a treat!
https://www.qldc.govt.nz/recreationTAKE NOTICE
We're often told to stop and smell the roses. When we take notice, we are giving ourselves space to become mindful, breathe and slow down. Notice a moment, and appreciate it with all your senses!
Learning helps keep our minds active – which helps our wellbeing. There's heaps of opportunities to try new things and challenge our minds a little - take class in Te Reo or give a crossword a go?
Kindness can give our mood an instant boost. Everyone has something to give, whether it’s a compliment or lending a hand. Kind acts make us feel better and helps us build connections with others.
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The Queenstown Lakes District has a wide range of social services available. Some of our key local services include:
Brief Intervention Service:
Provides access to up to 5 sessions of support for mild to moderate mental health needs. Referral via GP.Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB):
CAB provides free and confidential advice to everyone. CAB workers take the time to listen to you and equip you with the information, options and support that fit your needs. They can help with access to Justices of the Peace, free legal advice and budgeting advice.
44 Stanley Street, Queenstown
P: 03 442 6799
Queenstown@cab.org.nzWritten in everyday language, the Manual contains over 1000 pages of easy-to-read legal info and comprehensive answers to common legal questions. From ACC to family law, health & disability, jobs, benefits & flats, Tāonga Māori, immigration and refugee law and much more, the Manual covers just about every area of community and personal life. It’s for people living in Aotearoa New Zealand (and their advocates) to help themselves.
Community Mental Health:
Central Lakes Mental Health provides a range of specialist mental health services for all people who experience significant mental illness or distress, including an emergency service and addiction services.
P: 03 441 0010Central Lakes Family Services
Central Lakes Family Services has a team of professionally trained clinicians that provide social work, counselling, a range of programmes, advocacy and support for anyone experiencing family or sexual harm, parenting support, support for children & adolescents as well as working with families experiencing mild/moderate mental health.
P: 0508 440 255
Community Networks Wanaka
Community Networks provide the following services – Community Foodbank, financial support for counselling, arrange appointments with Community Law, JP and the Wheels to Dunstan shuttle service to Dunstan (and Dunedin Hospital) and so much more.
Wanaka Community Hub, 34 McDougall Street, Wanaka.
P: 03 443 7799
info@communitynetworks.co.nzHappiness House
Happiness House is a community based non profit organisation that that provides services to the Wakatipu District. It is a drop-in centre, offering practical support, advice, group activities, food parcels and clothing.
Happiness House also offers free counselling by a registered counsellor to those in Whakatipu. There is no criteria to participate in the service. They only ask that people read information about how the counsellor works before agreeing to proceed. Learn more here.
4 Park Street, Queenstown
P: 03 442 6531
happinesshouse@xtra.co.nzVictim Support
Emotional and practical support, personal advocacy and information to people affected by crime and trauma.P: 03 441 1608
Healthpoint provides up-to-date information about healthcare providers, referral expectations, services offered and common treatments.Salvation Army
The Salvation Army is a nationwide organisation who offer free counselling, mediation services, drug and alcohol support, budgeting advice, support and advocacy, a food bank, second-hand furniture and clothing shop.Southern Health Wellbeing Support in Central Lakes: Well-being Support in Central-Lakes | Southern Health | He hauora, he kuru pounamu
Southern Health A-Z – a directory of health care providers in the Southern district. -
First Steps (Ngā Hikoi Tuatahi)
A space that encourages business owners, managers and employees to prioritise wellbeing and awareness, so they can continue to grow impactful and profitable businesses while living balanced and fulfilling lives. First Steps is a nation-wide initiative, provided in collaboration with The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, the Ministry of Health, the Auckland Chamber of Commerce and the Employers and Manufacturers Association. It is confidential and free to access.
A workplace wellbeing platform co-founded by Sir John Kirwan and Adam Clark. Help your workplace, leaders & people feel happier, healthier, bounce back from stress and be more energised. Know for sure what is working, and where to improve.Melon
Digital therapeutics for physical, emotional and social health. Melon delivers evidence based wellness interventions supported by humans and enabled by technology.Just a Thought
Free online support for your mental wellbeing during this difficult time.Depression
P: 0800 111757 / free text 4202Suicide Crisis Helpline
P: 0508 828 865Alcohol Drug Helpline
P: 0800 787 797 / Free text 8681Sexuality Issues
P: 0800 688 5463 -
Diversity Counselling New Zealand (DCNZ) – Free online or phone counselling/psychology service for migrants. To access this service call or text on 021 0262 5587 between 9am and 5pm or email:
DCNZ will respond within 24 hours to book an appointment.Free culturally responsive counselling and psychological services by ethnic, registered professional counsellors and clinical psychologists for migrants and former refugees from Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin American, African, and Continental European backgrounds (all age groups, all genders).
This service is available nationwide in the following languages. For other languages, professional interpreters are available. (Bemba, Bengali, English, French, German Hindi, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Nyanja, Punjabi, Sinhalese, Spanish, Tamil)
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Access and Choice is a free, primary mental health and addiction service based in general practices in the Southern region. Part of a national initiative, Access and Choice places qualified mental health practitioners in general practices, making it faster and easier to access care. They provide free and timely support for patients and clients wanting help to improve self-management and provide guidance with behaviour change - including addressing stress, addictions, social issues, or long-term physical health struggles.
Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) - qualified and registered health professionals with experience in mental health, they offer 15-30 minute appointments to assist clients to take positive steps forward in improving their wellbeing. HIPs provide a little bit of help to a lot of people by supporting patients to take the next step to improve their wellbeing across the whole range of physical and mental health presentations. They can support clients of any age. HIPs work alongside other health and wellbeing services such as GPs, health coaches and community support workers.
Health Coaches - Like HIPs, they accept same-day, ‘warm handovers’ from GP staff of clients and patients needing their help. They support people to take positive steps forward for improving their health, including: assisting in goal setting for a range of concerns, including stress, physical activity, medication adherence, chronic conditions.
Community Support Workers - employed by community agencies, support people with anything that is non-clinical, but having a large impact on people's well-being and ability to make progress. The key word is “support” as CSW walk alongside people, supporting them to achieve their goals. This can include helping them to navigate daily living – helping clients learn to cook or work out a budget. They also use their knowledge of social services to help people work with government agencies like Work and Income New Zealand or Kāinga Ora.
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Family violence is never okay. We encourage you to take notice of the people closest to you. Do you or somebody you know need help with a family related issue? Here are some helpful resources.
Family Violence Central Lakes Family Service
Professionally trained clinicians are working with the community, primary health local government and NGO service providers to optimise and ensure positive outcomes for children, adolescents and their families.P: 0508 440 255
Family Violence
It's not OK is a community-driven behaviour change campaign to reduce family violence in New Zealand. Its goal is to change attitudes and behaviour that tolerate any kind of family violence.P: 0800 456 450
Women's Refuge
New Zealand’s largest nation-wide organisation that supports and helps women and children experiencing family violence.P: 0800 733 843
Able - Southern Family Support
Supporting families, including children and young people, that care for someone with a mental illness or addiction.P: 03 4489 303
Explore Sparklers for some tamariki and whānau wellbeing tips, while also supporting their home-learning. -
Everyone has tough times, but teenage and younger adult years can bring some extra challenges. It’s normal to need help with these. Here are some good ways to get help if you need it.
The Lowdown
The Lowdown is a website to help young New Zealanders recognise and understand depression or anxiety. Through encouraging early recognition and help for depression or anxiety they intend to reduce the impact depression or anxiety has on the lives of young New Zealanders, now and throughout their adult lives.P: 0800 111 757 / Free text 5626
Wakatipu Youth Trust
Wakatipu Youth Trust provides support and advocacy for youth aged 10-24 years, through programmed, events, activities and strengths based services.Kahu Youth Trust Resources
Kahu Youth provides programs, activities, events and a fun, safe, base for young people aged 11 to 24 in the Upper Clutha Region, New Zealand.Youthline
Youthline works with young people, their families and those supporting young people.P: 0800 376 633 / Free text 234
Pact offers community support to youth and adults with mental health or intellectual disability who need some help with living skills and goals.
Thrive! Te Pae Ora
1-6 sessions of support for mild to moderate mental health needs, substance use and coexisting problems for young people aged 12-19 years.P: 0800 292 988
admin@thriveservices.org.nzThe Spectrum Club
Local support and social group for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual and Allies for youth 12 -18 years and 18 - 24 years. -
Improving the health and wellbeing of Māori, ensuring that Māori are able to access timely, appropriate, responsive and effective health care and social services.
Local kaupapa Māori providers deliver services for both Māori and non-Maori, taking a approach which values Māori tikanga (cultural values, processes and beliefs).
Mana Tāhuna’s mission is to improve the overall wellbeing and livelihood of Māori people within the Tāhuna community. This will be achieved through:
- Job creation and re-skilling for Tāhuna whānau
- Cultivate kotahitanga (unity) within the Māori community
- Assist in upholding the mana of the Māori people in the wider Tāhuna area
- Tāhuna Māori fulfill their obligated role as a kaitiaki of the Whakatipu area
- Assist in helping Tāhuna whānau to strengthen their connection to their Māoritanga
- Provide opportunities that empower Tāhuna Māori and allow them to make positive contributions to their whānau and their communities
- Ensure the interests of mana whenua are considered in situations where it is appropriate.
P: 027 778 3935
Uruuruwhenua Health Inc - Alexandra and Central Otago
Uruuruwhenua Health is focused on Māori health but is open to all members of the Central Otago community. Our key objective is to ensure existing health professionals and social services/agencies are coordinated and that Māori are assisted to better utilise the services that are available.We assist whānau in working towards healthier lifestyles, promoting and understanding of the Whare Tapa Wha Health model in terms of tinana (physical wellbeing), wairua (spiritual wellbeing), hinengaro (mental wellbeing) and whānau (family wellbeing).
P: 0800 878 087
info@uruuruwhenuahealth.co.nzMāori Health
Improving Māori health is an important area of focus for all health services and providers within New Zealand. Here you can find a range of resources about Māori health, including an overview, videos, apps and health information: https://www.healthnavigator.org.nz/health-a-z/m/m%c4%81ori-health/
Stories from the community
Stories of groups and services doing good mahi to support community wellbeing.
Community groups
Community Connect is a directory of community groups and services in our district. Click below to search the database.