Community Funding

Pūraka moni mō te Hapori

We provide or administer a range of funding opportunities to help support local initiatives and events to promote community wellbeing and sustainability. We can also point you in the right direction of other external funders, either locally or nationally.  

Apply here for QLDC Community Funding

QLDC funding opportunities

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Generally, not-for-profit community groups, charities, and incorporated societies that contribute to community wellbeing, sustainability, heritage, or cultural initiatives can apply. Each fund has specific eligibility criteria, so be sure to check the fund’s guidelines or contact for more details and guidance. 

  • QLDC funding is generally not available for initiatives that do not primarily benefit the community, commercial or for-profit activities, retrospective costs (expenses already incurred), debt repayment, legal fees, or initiatives that fall outside the scope of the fund’s purpose. Always check the specific fund guidelines for exclusions before applying.

  • Funding is typically available for initiatives that benefit the community, such as events, environmental initiatives, social services, arts and culture, and recreation. Some funds also support operational costs, equipment, and capacity-building efforts. Make sure to review the specific fund criteria to confirm eligibility.

  • Applications are submitted online through the QLDC Community Funding platform, powered by SmartyGrants. Before applying, gather key documents such as financial statements, initiative plans, and letters of support. If you need help, check out the SmartyGrants applicant help or contact

  • Funding round dates vary depending on the fund. Some are open year-round, while others have specific application periods. Check the relevant fund page for key dates or sign up for funding updates to stay informed.

  • Once submitted, applications go through an assessment process, which may involve review panels or funding committees. You may be contacted for further information. Funding decisions are usually communicated within a set timeframe, which will be outlined in the fund’s guidelines.


Training opportunities

Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC), huddl, Three Lakes Cultural Trust, Sport Otago and the Conservation Alliance have joined forces to establish The Funding Series, a collaborative initiative designed to strengthen the capability of non-profit organisations and support sustainable funding strategies. 

The Funding Series is open to individuals, groups and organisations who rely on funding or fundraising to support their operations, project or event. The series is a free ticketed event, sponsored by QLDC. 

The series kicks off with Funding Fundamentals, facilitated by fundraising strategists Fi McPhee and Anna Mathieson in Wānaka on 25 March and Queenstown on 26 March.

The Funding Series Full Schedule: 

Funding Fundamentals

Philanthropic Funding  

  • 9 April, Lake Wānaka Centre, Wānaka, 12.30pm to 1.30pm.

  • 10 April, Te Atamira, Queenstown, 6.00pm to 8.30pm. 

Building Good Partnerships: Corporates and Non-Profits Working Together 

  • 15 May, Te Atamira, Queenstown, 9.00am to 12.00pm. 

This session is in collaboration with the BforGood Programme, a collaboration between the Wakatipu Community Foundation and the Queenstown Business Chamber of Commerce. Spaces will be limited. 

Funding in Practice  

  • 13 June, Lake Wānaka Centre, Wānaka, TBC

  • 14 June, Salvation Army Frankton, Queenstown, TBC

To stay informed of when tickets are available, make sure to follow one of the following, or to express your interest email: 

Tips for fundraising

At some point, nearly every community organisation will need to raise money to continue its work in the community, run an event, or carry out a special project. Raising funds, like most activities, is easier if you have a clear idea of what you need to do and how you'll do it.

Funding opportunities open and close at different times throughout the year so it pays to be organised, research well in advance and check funder information regularly.

If you'd like to discuss options for funding your project or event, please contact

Here's a few steps to follow to get you started:

  • Gather information about your organisation

  • Gather information about your intiative or activity

  • Gather key documents (financials, project plans, letters of support, etc) 

  • Identify suitable funding sources 

  • Clearly define your initiative’s goals, outcomes, and how they align with the fund’s purpose 

  • Submit applications and carry out fundraising activities 

  • Track funding received and evaluate results. 

Funding tools and resources

  • GenerosityNZ: a digital search facility for funding information in Aotearoa. They have two search tools that connect people to funding opportunities. givME offers access to scholarships and grants for individuals. givUS lists resource schemes for communities, volunteer organisations and clubs. Access to GenerosityNZ is available via our libraries (with a library card). Click here to get started.

  • huddl: provides practical tools, training, and connections to help community groups secure funding from a wide range of funders. Explore funding resources at

  • CommunityNet Aotearoa: an online hub where you can find and share resources designed to strengthen community organisations. Resources include a Funding Application Checklist.

Community Funding Webinar

Find out more about the Event Fund, Community Fund and Waste Minimisation Community Fund and how to use the QLDC Community Funding application platform.

The recording below is from a webinar held on Monday 15 April 2024. While the funding dates have changed, the information remains relevant. 


Get in contact

If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Community Funding team by emailing: