Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Water restrictions lifted for residents around Lake Hayes

QLDC has lifted water restrictions for properties around Lake Hayes, including Bendemeer, Threepwood, Slopehill Road, and Arrowtown-Lake Hayes Road.

Water Restrictions Lifted 03

QLDC Infrastructure Operations Manager, Simon Mason thanked residents and visitors for their efforts to conserve water, but noted the importance of continuing to use water responsibly.

“Water consumption in the area has returned to within our permitted limits, but we haven’t seen the end of this hot and dry summer weather so using water wisely will help to avoid the potential need for restrictions in future,” said Mr Mason.

“One way we can all help save water at home is to use timers on sprinklers and irrigation sprinklers, and to only water gardens, plants, and lawns between midnight and 6.00am when demand is at its lowest and water isn’t lost to evaporation.”

Water usage continues to be monitored throughout the wider Queenstown Lakes District, with the warm and dry summer to date leading to sustained high water demand across the network.

A range of water saving tips can be found on QLDC’s website at www.qldc.govt.nz/water-saving-tips.


Media contact: communications@qldc.govt.nz or call 03 441 1802.


Water saving tips: www.qldc.govt.nz/water-saving-tips

More information about water restrictions, including maps showing restrictions in different parts of the district and how to sign up for text alerts can be found on the Council website here: https://www.qldc.govt.nz/services/water-services/water-supply/water-restrictions/