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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Town Centre Arterial Road Project Update

Check out the latest update on the Town Centre Arterial Road project.

September Arterial 1

It’s spring which means one thing (amongst many others) for our crews. Asphalt season has begun! In winter we have a down period of laying asphalt due to the cold temperatures, especially here in Tāhuna Queenstown.

So, now that it’s warming up, and most of our underground works complete, we can begin laying the new road surface along Frankton Road. We will begin rolling out asphalt from one end of the arterial route to the other. We have already begun with the footpath on the lakefront side of Frankton Road and will continue towards the southern side of Melbourne Street in the upcoming weeks.

Here's a rundown of what we’ve completed and what’s coming up for our various worksites along the Arterial route.

Frankton Road

We’ve laid asphalt on the footpath along the lakefront side of Frankton Road

We have prepared the foundations for some of the traffic and light poles and will begin erecting them this month

Night works are progressing with building the new road, and we will be returning on Sunday 15 September to prepare the road for asphalt. This involves our crews levelling and compacting the ground whilst testing take place at each stage.

Suburb Street

We have completed the preparation for the new pedestrian flush crossing on lower Suburb Street. We will be returning shortly to install the pavers

The flush crossings are designed to make it safer for pedestrians by encouraging vehicles to slow down

We expect the flush crossing to be complete, and for lower Suburb Street to reopen, by the end of October.

Melbourne Street

The stormwater pipe and manhole in front of St Joseph School and Church is complete

Kerb preparation in front of Heartland Hotel has also been poured

We have begun the road preparation on the southern side of Melbourne Street, which will continue through the school holidays

We will be preparing light pole foundations from St Josephs through to Henry Street

We will shortly begin to install street furniture, light poles, and the final landscaping along Melbourne Street.

Sydney Street

All garden beds are completed and ready at the intersection of Sydney and Melbourne Street

We’ve completed the asphalt on the footpaths at the intersection

We will be returning to the intersection of Sydney and Melbourne Street to construct the new road, week of 30 September. This work is expected to take approximately 4 weeks.

Beetham Street

The retaining wall construction is progressing and on track

We have installed street light ducting in the ground

We will shortly begin on the footpath preparation and light pole foundations.

Henry Street/Malaghan Street/Ballarat Street

We have installed power underground on Henry Street

The kerb and channel has been poured along the street

We are now focusing on footpath preparations, alongside light pole foundations between Ballarat and Malaghan Street. Once this is complete, we will lay asphalt.

What’s coming up


Gorge Road / Turner Street: after ski season the team will return to install a traffic island, traffic signals, street furniture and planting, along with a safe crossing on Turner Street

New traffic signals will be installed at the intersections of Gorge Road/Henry Street, Sydney Street/Melbourne Street, and Melbourne Street

Flush crossings for Dublin, Suburb and Turner Streets: these crossings allow people to safely cross the road and are provided at non-signalised intersections. This is currently expected to happen in October

Lower Ballarat Street stormwater upgrade: we’re boosting the resilience of the overall stormwater network by laying 90 metres of upgraded stormwater pipes. This will ensure we can better manage uphill stormwater runoff particularly during more intense rainfall events associated with a changing climate. As part of this work, we’ll build a headwall by the bridge at Horne Creek to support and protect the stormwater pipe. The timing of this work will be confirmed and communicated soon

The final road surface: we’re still planning the best way to do this and will share more soon

Above ground installations such as street furniture, planting, line-marking and signage.

Check out latest Kā Huanui a Tāhuna Town Centre Arterial Road Drone Footage.

Image: Footpath on Frankton Road ready for asphalt this month.

Image: Schist stone is currently being installed along the bottom of the retaining wall on Beetham and Melbourne Street – it’s starting to look fantastic! 

Image: The new road is really starting to take shape with both kerbs poured either side. 

As always, our top priority is the safety of all residents and commuters, so we kindly ask for you to please follow the traffic and pedestrian signs and take extra care at all times. We will keep you informed of any updates or adjustments to this schedule.

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with QLDC customer services on 03 441 0499 or email: