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Monday, 16 December 2024
Community invited to have a say on a plan for two iconic Whakatipu reserves
QLDC has developed a draft Reserve Management Plan for Te-Taumata-o-Hakitekura Ben Lomond and Te Tapunui Queenstown Hill
Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) has developed a draft Reserve Management Plan (RMP) for Te-Taumata-o-Hakitekura Ben Lomond and Te Tapunui Queenstown Hill which is open for public submissions.
QLDC General Manager Community Services Kenneth Bailey encouraged all groups and people from across our community, especially those that use and enjoy these highly valued reserves, to read the draft plan and share their views.
“The current RMP for these reserves was adopted by Council in 2005 and is now outdated. Due to the high-profile nature of these reserves and the growing level of public and commercial use, the Parks team have updated the existing plan so it better reflects the needs of users now and for generations to come,” said Mr Bailey.
The new draft plan has been guided by early feedback received from the Whakatipu community and stakeholders, including commercial operators, along with consultation with mana whenua. The plan sets out how these celebrated landscapes can be enjoyed, used, maintained, preserved and enhanced now and into the future.
What you can expect to see in the updated RMP:
A long-term vision for Te Taumata-o-Hakitekura Ben Lomond and Te Tapunui Queenstown Hill reserves as highly valued landscapes providing for a range of recreation and commercial activities.
Objectives such as embedding mana whenua values, protecting, restoring and enhancing biodiversity and enabling appropriate informal and commercial recreation activities.
Policies grouped under six topics: Kāi Tahu partnerships, effective cross-organisation management, natural values/hazards, heritage values, recreation and use, and infrastructure and reserve development.
Mr Bailey encouraged those with any questions on the draft plan to visit the Parks team at a drop-in session when they are out and about enjoying reserves across the Whakatipu Basin.
“All are welcome to come along and chat with us at community drop-in events on Friday 24 January and Wednesday 12 February at three different locations in Queenstown. These will be held onsite at trail entrances and on the Village Green in the town centre to help ensure we’re talking to recreational users and commuters, and the general public,” said Mr Bailey.
To view the draft plan and provide a submission go to letstalk.qldc.govt.nz by Monday 17 March.
Following the close of public submissions, there will be an opportunity for submitters to speak at a public hearing in April. The hearing panel will then consider all submissions and recommend final changes. This plan will then be presented to Full Council for adoption in July.
Media contact: communications@qldc.govt.nz or call 03 441 1802.
FURTHER INFORMATION | Kā pāroko tāpiri
The draft Te Taumata-o-Hakitekura Ben Lomond and Te Tapunui Queenstown Hill RMP is open for public submissions from 16 December 2024 to 17 March 2025.
Community drop-in events to be held on Friday 24 January 2025 and Wednesday 12 February at the following times and locations:
30-10.30am at the Belfast Terrace entrance to the Time Walk on Te Tapunui Queenstown Hill.
00am-1.00pm at the Village Green, on Camp Street in Queenstown.
00-4.00pm at the Wynyard Cresent entrance to the Ben Lomond Trails in Fernhill.
How to share your views:
Head to QLDC’s Let’s Talk page to make a submission - https://letstalk.qldc.govt.nz.
Post to RMP submission, Queenstown Lakes District Council, Freepost 191078, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348.
Email your submission to: letstalk@qldc.govt.nz – subject line: RMP submission.
RMPs are used by Council to detail the objectives and policies for different public spaces and help with day-to-day and long-term decisions on how reserves and open spaces are used, managed, and developed.
Councils (as administering bodies) are required to prepare and maintain a Reserve Management Plan under Part 3 of the Reserves Act 1977: https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1977/0066/latest/whole.html#DLM444680