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Thursday, 21 September 2023
Update from QLDC regarding cryptosporidium outbreak in Queenstown
Here is a summary of today’s key developments

QLDC is working to meet the requirements of the compliance order issued by Taumata Arowai yesterday. Officers from Council’s infrastructure team had a constructive meeting with the regulator this morning and continue to engage positively.
Council has complied with the first milestone of the compliance order by delivering a community engagement plan before 5.00pm today.
There is no change to the areas of Queenstown/Frankton where residents and businesses need to boil water, nor to the areas where this is not a requirement; Upper Clutha residents and businesses do not need to boil water. See the full list below.
Case numbers confirmed by NPHS Southern stand at 21 – an increase of four since yesterday; see their media release here.
QLDC conducted a media stand-up this morning to enable key messages to reach the wider community. This was livestreamed and a recording is available on our website – scroll down to the bottom of this page https://www.qldc.govt.nz/crypto
A business response group comprising staff from Destination Queenstown and Queenstown Business Chamber of Commerce alongside QLDC (first established during the pandemic) met this afternoon; its key role will be to review current information and inform the business community of the most relevant aspects (noting that this information will also be available on the QLDC website)
The adult spa pool at Alpine Aqualand has been closed as a precaution until further notice while staff review its separate filtration system; this decision was made in line with advice from NPHS Southern.
Whilst all other pools remain open as normal, the following preventative measures have been implemented today at the facility in line with Recreation Aotearoa’s Cryptosporidium Protocol For Swimming Pools (noting these measures do not apply at Wānaka Recreation Centre):
cancelling learn to swim classes (including school lessons) for under-8s;
advising parents that although the final decision remains with them, QLDC does not advise under-8s use the pools while there is cryptosporidium in the community;
similarly advising that pregnant women, immunocompromised people and babies do not use the pool while cryptosporidium is in the community; and
advising the community in general that if someone with cryptosporidium were to use the pools at Alpine Aqualand that there is a chance that it could infect someone else.
QLDC has received a number of offers of support from other councils and specialists from around Aotearoa New Zealand for which we’re incredibly grateful.
Areas where people should boil water:
Queenstown town centre (north along Gorge Rd as far as and including Industrial Place);
Queenstown Hill;
Frankton Rd and suburbs on the hill above Frankton Rd;
Fernhill and Sunshine Bay;
Frankton including Five Mile, Remarkables Park and Glenda Dr;
Quail Rise and Tucker Beach Rd;
Kelvin Heights; and
Hanley’s Farm.
The notice applies to residential and commercial properties (including accommodation providers) that are connected to a public supply in the locations identified above.
Unaffected areas (no need to boil water):
Arthurs Point;
Lake Hayes Estate;
Shotover Country;
Upper Clutha; and
any properties on a private supply (e.g Jacks Point).
Boiling water kills any microorganisms that could be present. In the locations outlined above people are advised to boil all their drinking water for at least one minute (or use bottled water) for the following uses:
Drinking water – including cold beverages, ice-making and coffee machines.
Food preparation – including washing uncooked foods such as salad, vegetables, and fruit.
Preparing baby formula.
Washing food utensils.
Brushing teeth.
For QLDC media queries (only) contact: communications@qldc.govt.nz or call 03 441 1802.
For non-media queries contact: services@qldc.govt.nz or call 03 441 0499.
FURTHER INFORMATION | Kā pāroko tāpiri:
More information can be found on the Taumata Arowai website: https://www.taumataarowai.govt.nz/for-communities/emergencies/
For information about cryptosporidiosis, including symptoms and treatment, visit https://healthed.govt.nz/products/cryptosporidium-and-giardia
General information about how to stop the spread of cryptosporidium and what to do if you have symptoms provided by NPHS Southern:
How to help stop the spread of infection
The best thing you and your whānau can do to stop the spread of cryptosporidium (crypto) infection is to practise good hand hygiene. This means scrubbing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and drying them thoroughly with a clean towel:
- After using the bathroom, changing a diaper, or helping others use the bathroom
- Before eating or cooking
- After handling an animal
- After gardening, even if you used gloves
- When caring for someone with diarrhoea
Other ways to help stop the spread of cryptosporidium infection are:
- Stay home or keep young children home when you or they have an active case of diarrhoea
- Don’t drink untreated water
- Shower before using recreational swimming facilities to wash away any potential Cryptosporidium organisms on your body.
- Don’t swallow pool water.
- Wash all produce before eating it. Peeling the skins will also reduce your risk.
- Take young children at the pool to the bathroom frequently.
- Change children’s diapers often.
- Stay clear of the water if you or your children have diarrhoea. Stay out of the water for a full two weeks after the diarrhoea subsides.
What to do if you have symptoms
The most common symptom of crypto infection is smelly, watery diarrhoea and stomach cramps. If you live in the Queenstown area or have visited since 18 August and are experiencing these symptoms, please call your GP and inform them.