Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Council welcomes government approval of planning process for Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile

The opportunity to address Queenstown’s pressing housing needs has taken another positive step


The opportunity to address Queenstown’s pressing housing needs has taken another positive step with the government’s approval of an application by Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) to streamline the planning process at Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile.

QLDC Chief Executive Mike Theelen welcomed the decision by Minister for the Environment, Hon David Parker, to give Council the go ahead to use the Streamlined Planning Process (SPP) for a proposed variation that would rezone approximately 120 hectares from its existing rural and rural lifestyle zoning to enable integrated urban development.

“In simple terms this means we can progress the proposed change to the District Plan as swiftly as possible whilst still providing ample opportunity for community consultation,” he said.

“It was pleasing to see that the Minister recognised the urgency behind our efforts to address local housing issues in this way and that the reasons behind his decision reflected our own rationale. In particular, he noted using the SPP ‘will enable a timely response to urban growth pressures in Queenstown Lakes District and is proportionate to the complexity and significance of the planning issues’.”

Mr Theelen said a major focus of the Council’s proposed variation was to encourage the creation of the types of housing currently in short supply in the Whakatipu basin, namely housing suitable for older households, smaller households, and lower and lower-middle income households.

“There is a really exciting opportunity at Ladies Mile to build a thriving, mixed community that can help the district grow in the right way. That means reflecting the diversity of residents we need to support economic growth without impacting negatively on the environment.”

“I look forward to following the Minister’s direction and working with Council staff to share more about this opportunity with our community soon,” he said.

The Minister’s decision is due to be gazetted on Thursday 30 March. The variation will be notified towards the end of April and the community will then have 30 working days to make a submission.


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