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Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Local cricketers to enjoy net gains at Wānaka Recreation Centre

The cricket nets are expected to be finished in time for the 2022-2023 season.


Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC), in partnership with the Luggate Albion Cricket Club (LACC), has begun work on the construction of new outdoor cricket nets at Wānaka Recreation Centre.

The four-bay nets, in combination with the new wicket installed at the Centre last year, will provide dedicated facilities to help cricket thrive in the Upper Clutha.

A spokesperson for LACC said the club was excited to be part of this new practice facility that will especially help cater for the ever-growing number of junior cricketers in the district.

“We would like to make special mention of our major donor, the Andrew Falloon Charitable Trust. Its contribution has driven the project forward and the new nets wouldn’t be ready for next season without its support,” they said.

“So, on behalf of club and all our members, we would like to publicly acknowledge and thank Gini Falloon and the Trust’s members – their support and encouragement has been hugely appreciated throughout the process. We’re looking forward to starting next season with top-class training facilities.”

Wānaka Recreation Centre Manager Allan Wainwright said he was delighted that QLDC could help grow the game locally and get more people enjoying the sound of leather on willow.

“We’ve got a vibrant sporting community right now and the game of cricket is becoming more popular. It will be great for budding Black Caps and White Ferns to have a place to practice and then head inside for a swim or a soak in the hot pool to sooth their tired muscles!”

“We’d like to thank the club, the trust and everyone involved so far for their contribution to the project, and we’re looking forward to officially opening the nets before next season.”

The cricket nets are expected to be finished in time for the 2022-2023 season. More information will be released about how to book them closer to this date.


Media contact: communications@qldc.govt.nz or call 03 441 1802.

FURTHER INFORMATION | Kā pāroko tāpiri:

More information about Luggate Albion Cricket Club can be found on Facebook: