Ratepayers: invoices for instalment one are expected to be sent out in late September, which is a little later than usual. Further information can be found on our Rates webpage.

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

New provider for Queenstown Lakes Waterways Regulatory Services

Cougar Security Group has been appointed to oversee navigational safety on all of the district’s waterways

Kawarau River Looking At Remarkables From Bridge

Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) has appointed Cougar Security Group to oversee navigational safety on all of the district’s waterways, following a recent tender process for provision of waterways regulatory services.

QLDC conducted a procurement process over the last few months and evaluated tenders from a number of potential suppliers. The provision of waterways regulatory services includes the education and enforcement of our Navigation Safety Bylaw, and the Maritime Transport Act (1994) over all lakes and rivers within the Queenstown Lakes District. This includes undertaking all harbour master duties for the district.

The key aim in providing this service is to facilitate the safe use of our waterways for all recreational and commercial users by undertaking education, monitoring, issuing infringement notices where needed and responding to complaints received (Requests For Service).

Cougar offers extensive Regulatory response expertise and capability, and has been operating in the Queenstown Lakes community for 20 years with a proven track record in the skills and experience sought through the procurement process. The appointment takes effect from 1 July 2021.

QLDC Regulatory Manager Anthony Hall acknowledged that the change in contract delivery will mean farewelling some well-known individuals from our waterways.

“For 19 years QLDC waterways regulatory services have been provided by Southern Monitoring Services. Many in our community will be familiar with the Harbourmasters Marty Black and Dave Black in Queenstown-Wakatipu and Craig Blake in Wānaka. The Council would like to acknowledge the great work they have done in providing this service and for frequently going over and above what has been expected,” added Mr Hall.

Cougar will also work closely with Maritime NZ, who is the national safety regulator for recreational and commercial activity on New Zealand’s waterways. This will include working alongside QLDC on education and enforcement.  Maritime NZ also has a role in investigating serious incidents and accidents, and in supporting and coordinating search and rescue operations in collaboration with other agencies, such as New Zealand Police and Coastguard.

Mr Hall added, “the community will continue to receive a high level of service from the new provider. QLDC and Cougar will be working closely with the local Coastguard team to ensure collectively they can respond to emergencies on the water, complementing Council’s core role of ensuring the current bylaws and rules are adhered to. Cougar will continue to deliver on Council’s desire to ensure safety and support has high levels of visibility and presence on our waterways, especially over of the popular and busy summer months”.

For issues in regards to non-compliance of Waterways rules such as not wearing life jackets, please make contact with QLDC via phone 03 441 0499, email (services@qldc.govt.nz) or the QLDC website (www.qldc.govt.nz/do-it-online/contact-us-fix-it) and lodge a Request For Service.

The request for service system is never intended to be used for emergency situations.   In case of emergency please call 111.



Media contact: communications@qldc.govt.nz or call 03 441 1802.


FURTHER INFORMATION | Kā pāroko tāpiri:

Relevant bylaws include:

  • Navigation Safety Bylaw
  • Shotover River Bylaw
  • Waterways and Ramp Fees Bylaw